13 results (0.022 seconds)

CVSS: 4.8EPSS: 0%CPEs: 2EXPL: 0

04 Jun 2018 — In the Bouncy Castle JCE Provider version 1.55 and earlier the other party DH public key is not fully validated. This can cause issues as invalid keys can be used to reveal details about the other party's private key where static Diffie-Hellman is in use. As of release 1.56 the key parameters are checked on agreement calculation. En Bouncy Castle JCE Provider, en versiones 1.55 y anteriores, no se valida completamente la clave pública DH de la otra parte. Esto puede causar problemas, ya que las claves invál... • https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:2669 • CWE-320: Key Management Errors CWE-325: Missing Cryptographic Step •

CVSS: 7.4EPSS: 0%CPEs: 1EXPL: 0

04 Jun 2018 — In the Bouncy Castle JCE Provider version 1.55 and earlier the ECIES implementation allowed the use of ECB mode. This mode is regarded as unsafe and support for it has been removed from the provider. En la versión 1.55 y anteriores de Bouncy Castle JCE Provider, la implementación ECIES permitía el uso del modo ECB. Este modo se considera inseguro y el fabricante le ha retirado el soporte. Red Hat Fuse, based on Apache ServiceMix, provides a small-footprint, flexible, open source enterprise service bus and i... • https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:2669 • CWE-310: Cryptographic Issues CWE-325: Missing Cryptographic Step •

CVSS: 7.4EPSS: 0%CPEs: 1EXPL: 0

04 Jun 2018 — In the Bouncy Castle JCE Provider version 1.55 and earlier the DHIES implementation allowed the use of ECB mode. This mode is regarded as unsafe and support for it has been removed from the provider. En la versión 1.55 y anteriores de Bouncy Castle JCE Provider, la implementación DHIES permitía el uso del modo ECB. Este modo se considera inseguro y el fabricante le ha retirado el soporte. Red Hat Fuse, based on Apache ServiceMix, provides a small-footprint, flexible, open source enterprise service bus and i... • https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:2669 • CWE-310: Cryptographic Issues CWE-325: Missing Cryptographic Step •

CVSS: 5.9EPSS: 0%CPEs: 2EXPL: 0

04 Jun 2018 — In the Bouncy Castle JCE Provider version 1.55 and earlier the DHIES/ECIES CBC mode vulnerable to padding oracle attack. For BC 1.55 and older, in an environment where timings can be easily observed, it is possible with enough observations to identify when the decryption is failing due to padding. En Bouncy Castle JCE Provider, en versiones 1.55 y anteriores, el modo DHIES/ECIES CBC es vulnerable a ataques de oráculo de relleno. Para BC 1.55 y anteriores, en un entorno en el que las sincronizaciones pueden ... • https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:2669 • CWE-325: Missing Cryptographic Step CWE-361: 7PK - Time and State •

CVSS: 5.9EPSS: 0%CPEs: 2EXPL: 0

04 Jun 2018 — In the Bouncy Castle JCE Provider version 1.55 and earlier DSA signature generation is vulnerable to timing attack. Where timings can be closely observed for the generation of signatures, the lack of blinding in 1.55, or earlier, may allow an attacker to gain information about the signature's k value and ultimately the private value as well. En Bouncy Castle JCE Provider, en versiones 1.55 y anteriores, la generación de firmas DSA es vulnerable a ataques de sincronización. En los casos en los que se puede o... • https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:2669 • CWE-361: 7PK - Time and State CWE-385: Covert Timing Channel •

CVSS: 5.3EPSS: 0%CPEs: 2EXPL: 0

04 Jun 2018 — In the Bouncy Castle JCE Provider version 1.55 and earlier the primary engine class used for AES was AESFastEngine. Due to the highly table driven approach used in the algorithm it turns out that if the data channel on the CPU can be monitored the lookup table accesses are sufficient to leak information on the AES key being used. There was also a leak in AESEngine although it was substantially less. AESEngine has been modified to remove any signs of leakage (testing carried out on Intel X86-64) and is now t... • https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:2669 • CWE-200: Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor CWE-310: Cryptographic Issues •

CVSS: 7.5EPSS: 0%CPEs: 2EXPL: 0

04 Jun 2018 — In the Bouncy Castle JCE Provider version 1.55 and earlier ECDSA does not fully validate ASN.1 encoding of signature on verification. It is possible to inject extra elements in the sequence making up the signature and still have it validate, which in some cases may allow the introduction of 'invisible' data into a signed structure. En Bouncy Castle JCE Provider en versiones 1.55 y anteriores, el ECDSA no valida completamente el cifrado ASN.1 de la firma en verificación. Es posible inyectar elementos extra e... • https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:2669 • CWE-295: Improper Certificate Validation CWE-347: Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature •

CVSS: 7.5EPSS: 0%CPEs: 2EXPL: 0

04 Jun 2018 — In the Bouncy Castle JCE Provider version 1.55 and earlier the DSA key pair generator generates a weak private key if used with default values. If the JCA key pair generator is not explicitly initialised with DSA parameters, 1.55 and earlier generates a private value assuming a 1024 bit key size. In earlier releases this can be dealt with by explicitly passing parameters to the key pair generator. En Bouncy Castle JCE Provider en versiones 1.55 y anteriores, el generador de pares de claves DSA genera una cl... • https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:2669 • CWE-310: Cryptographic Issues CWE-338: Use of Cryptographically Weak Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) •

CVSS: 7.5EPSS: 0%CPEs: 1EXPL: 0

01 Jun 2018 — In Bouncy Castle JCE Provider version 1.55 and earlier the DSA does not fully validate ASN.1 encoding of signature on verification. It is possible to inject extra elements in the sequence making up the signature and still have it validate, which in some cases may allow the introduction of 'invisible' data into a signed structure. En Bouncy Castle JCE Provider en versiones 1.55 y anteriores, el DSA no valida completamente el cifrado ASN.1 de la firma en verificación. Es posible inyectar elementos extra en la... • https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:2669 • CWE-325: Missing Cryptographic Step CWE-347: Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature •

CVSS: 5.1EPSS: 0%CPEs: 3EXPL: 0

16 Apr 2018 — The default BKS keystore use an HMAC that is only 16 bits long, which can allow an attacker to compromise the integrity of a BKS keystore. Bouncy Castle release 1.47 changes the BKS format to a format which uses a 160 bit HMAC instead. This applies to any BKS keystore generated prior to BC 1.47. For situations where people need to create the files for legacy reasons a specific keystore type "BKS-V1" was introduced in 1.49. It should be noted that the use of "BKS-V1" is discouraged by the library authors and... • http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/103453 • CWE-327: Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm CWE-354: Improper Validation of Integrity Check Value •