9 results (0.015 seconds)

CVSS: 7.8EPSS: 0%CPEs: 2EXPL: 0

12 May 2022 — Check Point Endpoint Security Client for Windows versions earlier than E86.40 copy files for forensics reports from a directory with low privileges. An attacker can replace those files with malicious or linked content, such as exploiting CVE-2020-0896 on unpatched systems or using symbolic links. Check Point Endpoint Security Client para Windows versiones anteriores a E86.40, copian archivos para informes forenses desde un directorio con privilegios bajos. Un atacante puede reemplazar esos archivos con cont... • https://supportcontent.checkpoint.com/solutions?id=sk178665%2C • CWE-59: Improper Link Resolution Before File Access ('Link Following') CWE-65: Windows Hard Link •

CVSS: 5.5EPSS: 0%CPEs: 6EXPL: 0

01 Apr 2022 — A denial-of-service issue existed in one of modules that was incorporated in Kaspersky Anti-Virus products for home and Kaspersky Endpoint Security. A local user could cause Windows crash by running a specially crafted binary module. The fix was delivered automatically. Credits: (Straghkov Denis, Kurmangaleev Shamil, Fedotov Andrey, Kuts Daniil, Mishechkin Maxim, Akolzin Vitaliy) @ ISPRAS Se presentaba un problema de denegación de servicio en uno de los módulos incorporados en los productos Kaspersky Anti-V... • https://support.kaspersky.com/general/vulnerability.aspx?el=12430#310322_1 •

CVSS: 7.8EPSS: 0%CPEs: 1EXPL: 1

07 Jan 2022 — Users have access to the directory where the installation repair occurs. Since the MS Installer allows regular users to run the repair, an attacker can initiate the installation repair and place a specially crafted EXE in the repair folder which runs with the Check Point Remote Access Client privileges. Los usuarios tienen acceso al directorio donde se produce la reparación de la instalación. Dado que el instalador de MS permite a usuarios normales ejecutar la reparación, un atacante puede iniciar la repara... • https://github.com/mandiant/Vulnerability-Disclosures/blob/master/2022/MNDT-2022-0001/MNDT-2022-0001.md • CWE-427: Uncontrolled Search Path Element •

CVSS: 7.8EPSS: 0%CPEs: 1EXPL: 0

03 Dec 2020 — Check Point Endpoint Security Client for Windows before version E84.20 allows write access to the directory from which the installation repair takes place. Since the MS Installer allows regular users to run the repair, an attacker can initiate the installation repair and place a specially crafted DLL in the repair folder which will run with the Endpoint client’s privileges. Check Point Endpoint Security Client para Windows versiones anteriores a E84.20, permite un acceso de escritura al directorio desde el ... • https://supportcontent.checkpoint.com/solutions?id=sk170512 • CWE-427: Uncontrolled Search Path Element •

CVSS: 5.5EPSS: 0%CPEs: 1EXPL: 0

05 Nov 2020 — Check Point Endpoint Security for Windows before E84.10 can reach denial of service during clean install of the client which will prevent the storage of service log files in non-standard locations. Check Point Endpoint Security para Windows versiones anteriores a E84.10 puede alcanzar una denegación de servicio durante la instalación limpia del cliente, lo que impedirá el almacenamiento de archivos de registro de servicio en ubicaciones no estándar • https://supportcontent.checkpoint.com/solutions?id=sk170117 • CWE-59: Improper Link Resolution Before File Access ('Link Following') •

CVSS: 6.5EPSS: 0%CPEs: 1EXPL: 0

30 Oct 2020 — Check Point Endpoint Security Client for Windows, with Anti-Bot or Threat Emulation blades installed, before version E83.20, tries to load a non-existent DLL during a query for the Domain Name. An attacker with administrator privileges can leverage this to gain code execution within a Check Point Software Technologies signed binary, where under certain circumstances may cause the client to terminate. Check Point Endpoint Security Client para Windows, con blades Anti-Bot o Threat Emulation instalados, antes ... • https://supportcontent.checkpoint.com/solutions?id=sk168081 • CWE-114: Process Control CWE-426: Untrusted Search Path •

CVSS: 7.8EPSS: 0%CPEs: 3EXPL: 1

29 Aug 2019 — Check Point Endpoint Security Initial Client for Windows before version E81.30 tries to load a DLL placed in any PATH location on a clean image without Endpoint Client installed. An attacker can leverage this to gain LPE using a specially crafted DLL placed in any PATH location accessible with write permissions to the user. Check Point Endpoint Security Initial Client para Windows versión anterior a E81.30, intenta cargar una biblioteca DLL localizada en cualquier ubicación de RUTA (PATH) en una imagen limp... • https://safebreach.com/Post/Check-Point-Endpoint-Security-Initial-Client-for-Windows-Privilege-Escalation-to-SYSTEM • CWE-114: Process Control CWE-426: Untrusted Search Path •

CVSS: 7.0EPSS: 0%CPEs: 2EXPL: 0

29 Apr 2019 — A local attacker can create a hard-link between a file to which the Check Point Endpoint Security client for Windows before E80.96 writes and another BAT file, then by impersonating the WPAD server, the attacker can write BAT commands into that file that will later be run by the user or the system. Un atacante local puede crear un enlace físico entre un archivo en el cual el cliente para Windows de Check Point Endpoint Security escribe, en versiones anteriores a E80.96, y otro archivo BAT, y luego, haciéndo... • https://supportcenter.us.checkpoint.com/supportcenter/portal?eventSubmit_doGoviewsolutiondetails=&solutionid=sk150012 • CWE-59: Improper Link Resolution Before File Access ('Link Following') CWE-65: Windows Hard Link •

CVSS: 7.8EPSS: 0%CPEs: 2EXPL: 3

22 Apr 2019 — A hard-link created from log file archive of Check Point ZoneAlarm up to 15.4.062 or Check Point Endpoint Security client for Windows before E80.96 to any file on the system will get its permission changed so that all users can access that linked file. Doing this on files with limited access gains the local attacker higher privileges to the file. Un enlace físico creado desde el archivo log file de Check Point ZoneAlarm hasta la versión 15.4.062 o el cliente de Check Point Endpoint Security para Windows ant... • https://packetstorm.news/files/id/154754 • CWE-59: Improper Link Resolution Before File Access ('Link Following') CWE-65: Windows Hard Link •