CVE-2010-1039 – rpc.pcnfsd - Remote Format String
20 May 2010 — Format string vulnerability in the _msgout function in rpc.pcnfsd in IBM AIX 6.1, 5.3, and earlier; IBM VIOS 2.1, 1.5, and earlier; NFS/ONCplus B.11.31_09 and earlier on HP HP-UX B.11.11, B.11.23, and B.11.31; and SGI IRIX 6.5 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via an RPC request containing format string specifiers in an invalid directory name. Vulnerabilidad de cadena de formato en la función _msgout en rpc.pcnfsd en AIX de IBM versiones 6.1, 5.3 y anteriores; VIOS de IBM versiones 2.1, 1.5 ... • https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/14407 • CWE-134: Use of Externally-Controlled Format String •

CVE-2005-0465 – SGI IRIX 6.5.22 - GR_OSView Local Arbitrary File Overwrite
08 Apr 2005 — gr_osview in SGI IRIX does not drop privileges before opening files, which allows local users to overwrite arbitrary files via the -s option. • https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/25362 •

23 Jun 2004 — The syssgi SGI_IOPROBE system call in IRIX 6.5.20 through 6.5.24 allows local users to gain privileges by reading and writing to kernel memory. La llamada de sistema syssgi SGI_IOPROVE en IRIX 6.5.20 a 6.5.24 permite a usuarios locales ganar privilegios leyendo y escribiendo en la memoria del kernel. • ftp://patches.sgi.com/support/free/security/advisories/20040601-01-P.asc •

03 Jun 2004 — cpr (libcpr) in SGI IRIX before 6.5.25 allows local users to gain privileges by loading a user provided library while restarting the checkpointed process. cpr (libcpr) en SGI IRIX anteriores a 6.5.25 permite a usuarios locales ganar privilegios cargando una librería suminstrada por el usuario mientras se reinicia el proceso con punto de comprobación. • ftp://patches.sgi.com/support/free/security/advisories/20040507-01-P.asc •

CVE-2003-0694 – Sendmail SMTP Address prescan Memory Corruption
18 Sep 2003 — The prescan function in Sendmail 8.12.9 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via buffer overflow attacks, as demonstrated using the parseaddr function in parseaddr.c. La función de prescan en Sendmail 8.12.9 permite a atacantes remotos ejecutar código arbitrario mediante ataques de desbordamiento de búfer, como se demostró usando la función parseaddr en parseaddr.c. • https://packetstorm.news/files/id/180502 •

03 Sep 2003 — The DNS map code in Sendmail 8.12.8 and earlier, when using the "enhdnsbl" feature, does not properly initialize certain data structures, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (process crash) via an invalid DNS response that causes Sendmail to free incorrect data. • ftp://patches.sgi.com/support/free/security/advisories/20030803-01-P •

15 Aug 2003 — Unknown vulnerability in the libcpr library for the Checkpoint/Restart (cpr) system on SGI IRIX 6.5.21f and earlier allows local users to truncate or overwrite certain files. Vulnerabilidad desconocida en la librería libcpr del sistema de Punto de Comprobación/Reinicio (Checkpoint/Restart - cpr) en SGI IRIX 6.5.21f y anteriores permite a usuarios locales truncar o sobreescribir ciertos ficheros. • ftp://patches.sgi.com/support/free/security/advisories/20030802-01-P •

29 Apr 2003 — The LDAP name service (nsd) in IRIX 6.5.19 and earlier does not properly verify if the USERPASSWORD attribute has been provided by an LDAP server, which could allow attackers to log in without a password. El servicio de nombres LDAP (nsd) en IRIX 6.5.19 y anteriores no verifica adecuadamente si el atributo USERPASSWORD ha sido suministrado por el servidor LDAP, lo que podría permitir a atacantes iniciar sesión sin una contraseña. • ftp://patches.sgi.com/support/free/security/advisories/20030407-01-P • CWE-346: Origin Validation Error •

21 Mar 2003 — Integer overflow in the xdrmem_getbytes() function, and possibly other functions, of XDR (external data representation) libraries derived from SunRPC, including libnsl, libc, glibc, and dietlibc, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via certain integer values in length fields, a different vulnerability than CVE-2002-0391. Desbordamiento de entero en la función xdrmem_getbytes(), y posiblemente otras funciones, de librerias XDR (representación de datos externos) derivadas de SunRPC, incluyendo l... • ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/security/advisories/NetBSD-SA2003-008.txt.asc •

03 Mar 2003 — The dtterm terminal emulator allows attackers to modify the window title via a certain character escape sequence and then insert it back to the command line in the user's terminal, e.g. when the user views a file containing the malicious sequence, which could allow the attacker to execute arbitrary commands. El emulador de terminal dtterm permite a atacantes modificar el título de la ventana mediante una cierta secuencia de carácter de escape, y a continuación insertarlo de nuevo en la linea de comandos del... • http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/vulnwatch/2003-q1/0093.html •