An issue was discovered in Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Helm through 3.13.3. It displays values of secrets when the --dry-run flag is used. This is a security concern in some use cases, such as a --dry-run call by a CI/CD tool. NOTE: the vendor's position is that this behavior was introduced intentionally, and cannot be removed without breaking backwards compatibility (some users may be relying on these values). Also, it is not the Helm Project's responsibility if a user decides to use --dry-run within a CI/CD environment whose output is visible to unauthorized persons.
Se descubrió un problema en Helm de Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hasta la versión 3.13.3. Muestra valores de secretos cuando se utiliza el indicador --dry-run. Esto es un problema de seguridad en algunos casos de uso, como una llamada de prueba realizada por una herramienta CI/CD. NOTA: la posición del proveedor es que este comportamiento se introdujo intencionalmente y no se puede eliminar sin romper la compatibilidad con versiones anteriores (algunos usuarios pueden confiar en estos valores).
A vulnerability was found in Helm that may lead to sensitive information disclosure. When the --dry-run flag is used in Helm 3, it displays values of secrets. Helm 2 just displays the fact that a secret has been created.
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform release 4.16.0 is now available with updates to packages and images that fix several bugs and add enhancements. Issues addressed include denial of service, memory exhaustion, password leak, and resource exhaustion vulnerabilities.