The Popups, Welcome Bar, Optins and Lead Generation Plugin WordPress plugin before 2.0.5 does not sanitise and escape the message_id parameter of the get_message_action_row AJAX action before outputting it back in an attribute, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
El plugin Popups, Welcome Bar, Optins and Lead Generation de WordPress versiones anteriores a 2.0.5, no sanea ni escapa del parámetro message_id de la acción AJAX get_message_action_row antes de devolverlo a un atributo, conllevando a un problema de tipo Cross-Site Scripting reflejado
The Popups, Welcome Bar, Optins and Lead Generation Plugin WordPress plugin before 2.0.5 does not sanitize and escape the message_id parameter of the get_message_action_row AJAX action before outputting it back in an attribute, leading to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue