An issue was discovered in Bouncy Castle Java Cryptography APIs before BC 1.78. When endpoint identification is enabled in the BCJSSE and an SSL socket is created without an explicit hostname (as happens with HttpsURLConnection), hostname verification could be performed against a DNS-resolved IP address in some situations, opening up a possibility of DNS poisoning.
Se descubrió un problema en las API de criptografía Java de Bouncy Castle antes de BC 1.78. Cuando la identificación de endpoint está habilitada en BCJSSE y se crea un socket SSL sin un nombre de host explícito (como sucede con HttpsURLConnection), la verificación del nombre de host podría realizarse contra una dirección IP resuelta por DNS en algunas situaciones, lo que abre una posibilidad de envenenamiento de DNS.
A flaw was found in Bouncy Castle Java Cryptography APIs. Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to a use of incorrectly-resolved name or reference issue when resolving domain names over an SSL socket that was created without an explicit hostname, such as in the HttpsURLConnection() function. If endpoint identification is enabled, this flow allows an attacker to trigger hostname verification against a DNS-resolved address.