22 Sep 2014 — Cobham Aviator 700D and 700E satellite terminals use an improper algorithm for PIN codes, which makes it easier for attackers to obtain a privileged terminal session by calculating the superuser code, and then leveraging physical access or terminal access to enter this code. Los terminales de satélite Cobham Aviator 700D y 700E utiliza un algoritmo inadecuado para códigos PIN, lo que facilita a atacantes obtener sesiones de terminales privilegiadas calculando el código de superusuario, y luego aprovechar el... • http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/882207 • CWE-255: Credentials Management Errors •

15 Aug 2014 — Cobham SAILOR 900 VSAT; SAILOR FleetBroadBand 150, 250, and 500; EXPLORER BGAN; and AVIATOR 200, 300, 350, and 700D devices do not properly restrict password recovery, which allows attackers to obtain administrative privileges by leveraging physical access or terminal access to spoof a reset code. Los dispositivos Cobham SAILOR 900 VSAT; SAILOR FleetBroadBand 150, 250, y 500; EXPLORER BGAN; y AVIATOR 200, 300, 350, y 700D no restringen debidamente la recuperación de contraseñas, lo que permite a atacantes o... • http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/602006 •

15 Aug 2014 — Cobham Aviator 700D and 700E satellite terminals have hardcoded passwords for the (1) debug, (2) prod, (3) do160, and (4) flrp programs, which allows physically proximate attackers to gain privileges by sending a password over a serial line. Los terminales de satélite Cobham Aviator 700D y 700E tiene contraseñas embebidas para los programas (1) debug, (2) prod, (3) do160, y (4) flrp, lo que permite a atacantes físicamente próximos ganar privilegios mediante el envío de una contraseña por una línea de serial... • http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/882207 •