CVE-2024-24789 – Mishandling of corrupt central directory record in archive/zip
05 Jun 2024 — The archive/zip package's handling of certain types of invalid zip files differs from the behavior of most zip implementations. This misalignment could be exploited to create an zip file with contents that vary depending on the implementation reading the file. The archive/zip package now rejects files containing these errors. El manejo que hace el paquete archive/zip de ciertos tipos de archivos zip no válidos difiere del comportamiento de la mayoría de las implementaciones zip. Esta desalineación podría ap... • http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2024/06/04/1 • CWE-20: Improper Input Validation •

CVE-2024-24790 – Unexpected behavior from Is methods for IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses in net/netip
05 Jun 2024 — The various Is methods (IsPrivate, IsLoopback, etc) did not work as expected for IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses, returning false for addresses which would return true in their traditional IPv4 forms. Los diversos métodos Is (IsPrivate, IsLoopback, etc.) no funcionaron como se esperaba para las direcciones IPv6 asignadas a IPv4, devolviendo falso para direcciones que devolverían verdadero en sus formas IPv4 tradicionales. A flaw was found in the Go language standard library net/netip. The method Is*() (IsPrivate... • http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2024/06/04/1 • CWE-115: Misinterpretation of Input •

CVE-2023-45285 – Command 'go get' may unexpectedly fallback to insecure git in cmd/go
06 Dec 2023 — Using go get to fetch a module with the ".git" suffix may unexpectedly fallback to the insecure "git://" protocol if the module is unavailable via the secure "https://" and "git+ssh://" protocols, even if GOINSECURE is not set for said module. This only affects users who are not using the module proxy and are fetching modules directly (i.e. GOPROXY=off). El uso de go get para buscar un módulo con el sufijo ".git" puede recurrir inesperadamente al protocolo inseguro "git://" si el módulo no está disponible a... • https://go.dev/cl/540257 • CWE-693: Protection Mechanism Failure •

CVE-2023-39326 – Denial of service via chunk extensions in net/http
06 Dec 2023 — A malicious HTTP sender can use chunk extensions to cause a receiver reading from a request or response body to read many more bytes from the network than are in the body. A malicious HTTP client can further exploit this to cause a server to automatically read a large amount of data (up to about 1GiB) when a handler fails to read the entire body of a request. Chunk extensions are a little-used HTTP feature which permit including additional metadata in a request or response body sent using the chunked encodi... • https://go.dev/cl/547335 • CWE-400: Uncontrolled Resource Consumption •

CVE-2023-45287 – Before Go 1.20, the RSA based key exchange methods in crypto/tls may exhibit a timing side channel
05 Dec 2023 — Before Go 1.20, the RSA based TLS key exchanges used the math/big library, which is not constant time. RSA blinding was applied to prevent timing attacks, but analysis shows this may not have been fully effective. In particular it appears as if the removal of PKCS#1 padding may leak timing information, which in turn could be used to recover session key bits. In Go 1.20, the crypto/tls library switched to a fully constant time RSA implementation, which we do not believe exhibits any timing side channels. Ant... • https://go.dev/cl/326012/26 • CWE-203: Observable Discrepancy CWE-208: Observable Timing Discrepancy •

CVE-2023-49292 – Possible private key restoration in go package github.com/ecies/go
04 Dec 2023 — ecies is an Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme for secp256k1 in Golang. If funcations Encapsulate(), Decapsulate() and ECDH() could be called by an attacker, they could recover any private key that interacts with it. This vulnerability was patched in 2.0.8. Users are advised to upgrade. ecies es un esquema de cifrado integrado de curva elíptica para secp256k1 en Golang. Si un atacante pudiera llamar a las funciones Encapsulate(), Decapsulate() y ECDH(), podría recuperar cualquier clave privada que ... • https://github.com/ashutosh1206/Crypton/blob/master/Diffie-Hellman-Key-Exchange/Attack-Invalid-Curve-Point/README.md • CWE-200: Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor •

CVE-2023-45284 – Incorrect detection of reserved device names on Windows in path/filepath
09 Nov 2023 — On Windows, The IsLocal function does not correctly detect reserved device names in some cases. Reserved names followed by spaces, such as "COM1 ", and reserved names "COM" and "LPT" followed by superscript 1, 2, or 3, are incorrectly reported as local. With fix, IsLocal now correctly reports these names as non-local. En Windows, la función IsLocal no detecta correctamente los nombres de dispositivos reservados en algunos casos. Los nombres reservados seguidos de espacios, como "COM1", y los nombres reserva... • https://go.dev/cl/540277 •

CVE-2023-45283 – Insecure parsing of Windows paths with a \??\ prefix in path/filepath
09 Nov 2023 — The filepath package does not recognize paths with a \??\ prefix as special. On Windows, a path beginning with \??\ is a Root Local Device path equivalent to a path beginning with \\?\. • http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2023/12/05/2 • CWE-22: Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal') •

23 Oct 2023 — pkg/suci/suci.go in free5GC udm before 1.2.0, when Go before 1.19 is used, allows an Invalid Curve Attack because it may compute a shared secret via an uncompressed public key that has not been validated. An attacker can send arbitrary SUCIs to the UDM, which tries to decrypt them via both its private key and the attacker's public key. pkg/suci/suci.go en free5GC udm anterior a 1.2.0, cuando se usa Go anterior a 1.19, permite un Ataque de Curva no válida porque puede calcular un secreto compartido a través ... • https://github.com/free5gc/udm/compare/v1.1.1...v1.2.0 • CWE-347: Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature •

CVE-2023-44487 – HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack Vulnerability
10 Oct 2023 — The HTTP/2 protocol allows a denial of service (server resource consumption) because request cancellation can reset many streams quickly, as exploited in the wild in August through October 2023. El protocolo HTTP/2 permite una denegación de servicio (consumo de recursos del servidor) porque la cancelación de solicitudes puede restablecer muchas transmisiones rápidamente, como se explotó en la naturaleza entre agosto y octubre de 2023. A flaw was found in handling multiplexed streams in the HTTP/2 protocol. ... • https://github.com/imabee101/CVE-2023-44487 • CWE-400: Uncontrolled Resource Consumption •