28 Apr 2022 — In Mahara before 20.10.5, 21.04.4, 21.10.2, and 22.04.0, a site using Isolated Institutions is vulnerable if more than ten groups are used. They are all shown from page 2 of the group results list (rather than only being shown for the institution that the viewer is a member of). En Mahara versiones anteriores a 20.10.5, 21.04.4, 21.10.2 y 22.04.0, un sitio usando Instituciones Aisladas es vulnerable si son usados más de diez grupos. Todos ellos son mostrados a partir de la página 2 de la lista de resultados... • https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+bug/1922226 • CWE-276: Incorrect Default Permissions •

28 Apr 2022 — Mahara before 20.10.5, 21.04.4, 21.10.2, and 22.04.0 allows stored XSS when a particular Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) class for embedly is used, and JavaScript code is constructed to perform an action. Mahara versiones anteriores a 20.10.5, 21.04.4, 21.10.2 y 22.04.0, permite un ataque de tipo XSS almacenado cuando es usado una clase particular de Hojas de Estilo en Cascada (CSS) para embedly y es construido código JavaScript para llevar a cabo una acción • https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+bug/1968920 • CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') •

28 Apr 2022 — Mahara before 20.10.5, 21.04.4, 21.10.2, and 22.04.0 is vulnerable to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) because randomly generated tokens are too easily guessable. Mahara versiones anteriores a 20.10.5, 21.04.4, 21.10.2 y 22.04.0 es vulnerable a un ataque de tipo Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) porque los tokens generados aleatoriamente son muy fáciles de adivinar • https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+bug/1930171 • CWE-352: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) •

03 Nov 2021 — In Mahara before 20.04.5, 20.10.3, 21.04.2, and 21.10.0, the account associated with a web services token is vulnerable to being exploited and logged into, resulting in information disclosure (at a minimum) and often escalation of privileges. En Mahara versiones anteriores a 20.04.5, 20.10.3, 21.04.2 y 21.10.0, la cuenta asociada a un token de servicios web es vulnerable a ser explotada y a iniciar sesión, resultando en una divulgación de información (como mínimo) y a menudo en una escalada de privilegios • https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+bug/1930469 • CWE-613: Insufficient Session Expiration •

03 Nov 2021 — In Mahara before 20.04.5, 20.10.3, 21.04.2, and 21.10.0, exported CSV files could contain characters that a spreadsheet program could interpret as a command, leading to execution of a malicious string locally on a device, aka CSV injection. En Mahara versiones anteriores a 20.04.5, 20.10.3, 21.04.2 y 21.10.0, los archivos CSV exportados podían contener caracteres que un programa de hoja de cálculo podía interpretar como un comando, conllevando a una ejecución de una cadena maliciosa localmente en un disposi... • https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+bug/1930471 • CWE-1236: Improper Neutralization of Formula Elements in a CSV File •

01 Jun 2018 — Mahara 17.04 before 17.04.8 and 17.10 before 17.10.5 and 18.04 before 18.04.1 can be used as medium to transmit viruses by placing infected files into a Leap2A archive and uploading that to Mahara. In contrast to other ZIP files that are uploaded, ClamAV (when activated) does not check Leap2A archives for viruses, allowing malicious files to be available for download. While files cannot be executed on Mahara itself, Mahara can be used to transfer such files to user computers. Mahara, en versiones 17.04 ante... • https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1770535 • CWE-434: Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type •

01 Jun 2018 — Mahara 17.04 before 17.04.8 and 17.10 before 17.10.5 and 18.04 before 18.04.1 are vulnerable to the browser "back and refresh" attack. This allows malicious users with physical access to the web browser of a Mahara user, after they have logged in, to potentially gain access to their Mahara credentials. Mahara, en versiones 17.04 anteriores a la 17.04.8, versiones 17.10 anteriores a la 17.10.5 y versiones 18.04 anteriores a la 18.04.1 es vulnerable a un ataque "back and refresh" del navegador. Esto permite q... • https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+bug/1770561 • CWE-200: Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor •

30 May 2018 — Mahara 17.04 before 17.04.8 and 17.10 before 17.10.5 and 18.04 before 18.04.1 are vulnerable to mentioning the usernames that are already taken by people registered in the system rather than masking that information. Mahara en versiones 17.04 anteriores a la 17.04.8, versiones 17.10 anteriores a la 17.10.5 y versiones 18.04 anteriores a la 18.04.1 es vulnerable a mencionar los nombres de usuario que ya están en uso por personas registradas en el sistema, en lugar de ocultar dicha información. • https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+bug/1772774 • CWE-200: Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor •

09 Apr 2018 — Mahara 16.10 before 16.10.9 and 17.04 before 17.04.7 and 17.10 before 17.10.4 are vulnerable to bad input when TinyMCE is bypassed by POST packages. Therefore, Mahara should not rely on TinyMCE's code stripping alone but also clean input on the server / PHP side as one can create own packets of POST data containing bad content with which to hit the server. Mahara, en versiones 16.10 anteriores a la 16.10.9, versiones 17.04 anteriores a la 17.04.7 y versiones 17.10 anteriores a la 17.10.4 es vulnerable a mal... • https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+bug/1744789 • CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') •

20 Feb 2018 — Mahara 16.10 before 16.10.7 and 17.04 before 17.04.5 and 17.10 before 17.10.2 have a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability when a user enters invalid UTF-8 characters. These are now going to be discarded in Mahara along with NULL characters and invalid Unicode characters. Mahara will also avoid direct $_GET and $_POST usage where possible, and instead use param_exists() and the correct param_*() function to fetch the expected value. Mahara 16.10 en versiones anteriores a la 16.10.7, versiones 17.04 anter... • https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+bug/1732987 • CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') •