CVE-2024-1402 – Denial of service in mattermost mobile apps and server via emoji reactions
09 Feb 2024 — Mattermost fails to check if a custom emoji reaction exists when sending it to a post and to limit the amount of custom emojis allowed to be added in a post, allowing an attacker sending a huge amount of non-existent custom emojis in a post to crash the mobile app of a user seeing the post and to crash the server due to overloading when clients attempt to retrive the aforementioned post. Mattermost no verifica si existe una reacción de emoji personalizada al enviarla a una publicación y no limita la cantida... • https://mattermost.com/security-updates • CWE-400: Uncontrolled Resource Consumption •

CVE-2024-24776 – Incorrect Authorization leads to Channel Member Count Leak
09 Feb 2024 — Mattermost fails to check the required permissions in the POST /api/v4/channels/stats/member_count API resulting in channel member counts being leaked to a user without permissions. Mattermost no verifica los permisos requeridos en la API POST /api/v4/channels/stats/member_count, lo que provoca que los recuentos de miembros del canal se filtren a un usuario sin permisos. Mattermost fails to check the required permissions in the POST /api/v4/channels/stats/member_count API resulting in channel member counts ... • https://mattermost.com/security-updates • CWE-284: Improper Access Control •

CVE-2024-24774 – Missing authorization allows users to access arbitrary security levels on Jira through webhooks (Jira Plugin)
09 Feb 2024 — Mattermost Jira Plugin handling subscriptions fails to check the security level of an incoming issue or limit it based on the user who created the subscription resulting in registered users on Jira being able to create webhooks that give them access to all Jira issues. El complemento Mattermost Jira que maneja las suscripciones no verifica el nivel de seguridad de un problema entrante ni lo limita según el usuario que creó la suscripción, lo que hace que los usuarios registrados en Jira puedan crear webhook... • https://mattermost.com/security-updates • CWE-863: Incorrect Authorization •

CVE-2024-23319 – CSRF issue allows disconnecting a user's Jira connection through a simple post message (Jira Plugin)
09 Feb 2024 — Mattermost Jira Plugin fails to protect against logout CSRF allowing an attacker to post a specially crafted message that would disconnect a user's Jira connection in Mattermost only by viewing the message. El complemento Mattermost Jira no protege contra el cierre de sesión CSRF, lo que permite a un atacante publicar un mensaje especialmente manipulado que desconectaría la conexión Jira de un usuario en Mattermost solo al ver el mensaje. Mattermost Jira Plugin fails to protect against logout CSRF allowing ... • https://mattermost.com/security-updates • CWE-352: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) •

CVE-2023-47858 – Details of archived public channels are leaked to members of another team
02 Jan 2024 — Mattermost fails to properly verify the permissions needed for viewing archived public channels, allowing a member of one team to get details about the archived public channels of another team via the GET /api/v4/teams/

CVE-2023-50333 – Lack of restriction to manage group names for freshly demoted guests
02 Jan 2024 — Mattermost fails to update the permissions of the current session for a user who was just demoted to guest, allowing freshly demoted guests to change group names. Mattermost no actualiza los permisos de la sesión actual para un usuario que acaba de ser degradado a invitado, lo que permite a los invitados recién degradados cambiar los nombres de los grupos. Mattermost fails to update the permissions of the current session for a user who was just demoted to guest, allowing freshly demoted guests to change gro... • https://mattermost.com/security-updates • CWE-284: Improper Access Control •

CVE-2023-48732 – Keywords that trigger mentions are leaked to other users
02 Jan 2024 — Mattermost fails to scope the WebSocket response around notified users to a each user separately resulting in the WebSocket broadcasting the information about who was notified about a post to everyone else in the channel. Mattermost no logra abarcar la respuesta de WebSocket en torno a los usuarios notificados para cada usuario por separado, lo que hace que WebSocket transmita la información sobre quién fue notificado sobre una publicación a todos los demás en el canal. Mattermost fails to scope the WebSock... • https://mattermost.com/security-updates • CWE-200: Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor •

29 Dec 2023 — Mattermost version 8.1.6 and earlier fails to sanitize channel mention data in posts, which allows an attacker to inject markup in the web client. La versión 8.1.6 y anteriores de Mattermost no sanitizan los datos de menciones del canal en las publicaciones, lo que permite a un atacante inyectar marcas en el cliente web. • https://mattermost.com/security-updates • CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') •

CVE-2023-6727 – Leak Inaccessible Playbook Information via Channel Action IDOR
12 Dec 2023 — Mattermost fails to perform correct authorization checks when creating a playbook action, allowing users without access to the playbook to create playbook actions. If the playbook action created is to post a message in a channel based on specific keywords in a post, some playbook information, like the name, can be leaked. Mattermost no realiza comprobaciones de autorización correctas al crear una acción del playbook, lo que permite a los usuarios sin acceso al playbook crear acciones del playbook. Si la acc... • https://mattermost.com/security-updates • CWE-200: Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor •

CVE-2023-45316 – Reflected client side path traversal leading to CSRF in Playbooks
12 Dec 2023 — Mattermost fails to validate if a relative path is passed in /plugins/playbooks/api/v0/telemetry/run/