17 Sep 2004 — Multiple heap-based buffer overflows in the imlib BMP image handler allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted BMP file. • http://distro.conectiva.com.br/atualizacoes/?id=a&anuncio=000870 •

16 Sep 2004 — Internet Explorer 6.0 allows web sites to set cookies for country-specific top-level domains, such as .ltd.uk, .plc.uk, and .sch.uk, which could allow remote attackers to perform a session fixation attack and hijack a user's HTTP session. • http://marc.info/?l=bugtraq&m=109536612321898&w=2 •

16 Sep 2004 — Multiple buffer overflows in the ImageMagick graphics library 5.x before 5.4.4, and 6.x before, allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via malformed (1) AVI, (2) BMP, or (3) DIB files. • http://secunia.com/advisories/28800 •

14 Sep 2004 — Konqueror in KDE 3.2.3 and earlier allows web sites to set cookies for country-specific top-level domains, such as .ltd.uk, .plc.uk and .firm.in, which could allow remote attackers to perform a session fixation attack and hijack a user's HTTP session. Konqueror en KDE 3.2.3 Y anteriores pemiten a sitios web establecer cookies para dominios de nivel superior específicos de países, como ltd.uk o com.es, lo que podría permitir a atacantes remotos realizar un ataque de fijación de sesión y secuestrar una sesión... • http://distro.conectiva.com.br/atualizacoes/?id=a&anuncio=000864 •

14 Sep 2004 — Mozilla Firefox before the Preview Release, Mozilla before 1.7.3, and Thunderbird before 0.8 allows remote attackers to perform cross-domain scripting and possibly execute arbitrary code by convincing a user to drag and drop javascript: links to a frame or page in another domain. • http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=250862 •

13 Sep 2004 — Samba 3.0.6 and earlier allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (infinite loop and memory exhaustion) via certain malformed requests that cause new processes to be spawned and enter an infinite loop. • ftp://patches.sgi.com/support/free/security/advisories/20041201-01-P •

06 Jul 2004 — Multiple unknown vulnerabilities in Linux kernel 2.6 allow local users to gain privileges or access kernel memory, a different set of vulnerabilities than those identified in CVE-2004-0495, as found by the Sparse source code checking tool. Multiples vulnerabilidades desconocidas en el kernel 2.6 de Linux permite a usuarios locales ganar privilegios o acceder a memoria del kernel, un grupo de vulerabilidades distinto de los identificado por CAN-2004-0495, como se ha encontrado con la herramienta de comprobac... • http://www.novell.com/linux/security/advisories/2004_20_kernel.html •

CVE-2004-0497 – Linux Kernel < 2.6.7-rc3 (Slackware 9.1 / Debian 3.0) - 'sys_chown()' Group Ownership Alteration Privilege Escalation
06 Jul 2004 — Unknown vulnerability in Linux kernel 2.x may allow local users to modify the group ID of files, such as NFS exported files in kernel 2.4. Vulnerabilidad desconocida en el kernel 2.x de Linux puede permitir a usuarios locales modificar el ID de grupo de ficheros, como ficheros exportados con NFS en kernel 2.4. • https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/718 •

06 Jul 2004 — The tcp_find_option function of the netfilter subsystem in Linux kernel 2.6, when using iptables and TCP options rules, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption by infinite loop) via a large option length that produces a negative integer after a casting operation to the char type. La función tcp_find_option del subsistema netfilter del kernel 2.6 de Linux, cuando se usan iptables y reglas de opciones TCP, permite a atacantes remotos causar una denegación de servicio (consumición... • http://distro.conectiva.com.br/atualizacoes/?id=a&anuncio=000852 •

24 Jun 2004 — The DHCP daemon (DHCPD) for ISC DHCP 3.0.1rc12 and 3.0.1rc13, when compiled in environments that do not provide the vsnprintf function, uses C include files that define vsnprintf to use the less safe vsprintf function, which can lead to buffer overflow vulnerabilities that enable a denial of service (server crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code. El demonio DHCP (DHCPD) de ISC DHCP 3.0.1rc12 y 3.0.1rc13, cuando se compila en entornos que no proveen la función vsnprintf, usa ficheros de inclusión de C qu... • http://marc.info/?l=bugtraq&m=108795911203342&w=2 •