23 Jul 2018 — A cross-site scripting vulnerability exists in Jenkins 2.132 and earlier, 2.121.1 and earlier in the Stapler web framework's org/kohsuke/stapler/Stapler.java that allows attackers with the ability to control the existence of some URLs in Jenkins to define JavaScript that would be executed in another user's browser when that other user views HTTP 404 error pages while Stapler debug mode is enabled. Existe una vulnerabilidad de Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) en Jenkins 2.132 y anteriores y 2.121.1 y anteriores en... • https://jenkins.io/security/advisory/2018-07-18/#SECURITY-390 • CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') •

23 Jul 2018 — A Improper authorization vulnerability exists in Jenkins 2.132 and earlier, 2.121.1 and earlier in SlaveComputer.java that allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to initiate agent launches, and abort in-progress agent launches. Existe una vulnerabilidad de autorización incorrecta en Jenkins 2.132 y anteriores y 2.121.1 y anteriores en SlaveComputer.java que permite que los atacantes con el permiso Overall/Read inicien el arranque de los agentes y aborten el arranque en proceso de los agentes. • https://jenkins.io/security/advisory/2018-07-18/#SECURITY-892 • CWE-863: Incorrect Authorization •

23 Jul 2018 — A unauthorized modification of configuration vulnerability exists in Jenkins 2.132 and earlier, 2.121.1 and earlier in User.java that allows attackers to provide crafted login credentials that cause Jenkins to move the config.xml file from the Jenkins home directory. If Jenkins is started without this file present, it will revert to the legacy defaults of granting administrator access to anonymous users. Existe una vulnerabilidad de modificación no autorizada de configuración en Jenkins en versiones 2.132 y... • https://jenkins.io/security/advisory/2018-07-18/#SECURITY-897 •

23 Jul 2018 — A Improper authorization vulnerability exists in Jenkins 2.132 and earlier, 2.121.1 and earlier in Queue.java that allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to cancel queued builds. Existe una vulnerabilidad de autorización incorrecta en Jenkins 2.132 y anteriores y 2.121.1 y anteriores en Queue.java que permite que los atacantes con el permiso Overall/Read cancelen las builds en cola. • https://jenkins.io/security/advisory/2018-07-18/#SECURITY-891 • CWE-863: Incorrect Authorization •

CVE-2018-1999002 – Jenkins Plugin Script Security 1.49/Declarative 1.3.4/Groovy 2.60 - Remote Code Execution
23 Jul 2018 — A arbitrary file read vulnerability exists in Jenkins 2.132 and earlier, 2.121.1 and earlier in the Stapler web framework's org/kohsuke/stapler/Stapler.java that allows attackers to send crafted HTTP requests returning the contents of any file on the Jenkins master file system that the Jenkins master has access to. Existe una lectura de archivos arbitrarios en Jenkins en versiones 2.132 y anteriores y en versiones 2.121.1 y anteriores en el org/kohsuke/stapler/Stapler.java del framework web Staple. Este per... • https://packetstorm.news/files/id/151823 •

23 Jul 2018 — A exposure of sensitive information vulnerability exists in Jenkins 2.132 and earlier, 2.121.1 and earlier in Plugin.java that allows attackers to determine the date and time when a plugin HPI/JPI file was last extracted, which typically is the date of the most recent installation/upgrade. Existe una vulnerabilidad de exposición de información sensible en Jenkins 2.132 y anteriores y 2.121.1 y anteriores en Plugin.java que permite que los atacantes determinen la fecha y hora cuando un archivo de plugin HPI/... • https://jenkins.io/security/advisory/2018-07-18/#SECURITY-925 • CWE-200: Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor •

05 Jun 2018 — A path traversal vulnerability exists in Jenkins 2.120 and older, LTS 2.107.2 and older in FilePath.java, SoloFilePathFilter.java that allows malicious agents to read and write arbitrary files on the Jenkins master, bypassing the agent-to-master security subsystem protection. Existe una vulnerabilidad de salto de directorio en Jenkins 2.120 y versiones anteriores y LTS 2.107.2 y versiones anteriores en FilePath.java y SoloFilePathFilter.java que permite a los agentes maliciosos leer y escribir archivos arbi... • https://jenkins.io/security/advisory/2018-05-09/#SECURITY-788 • CWE-22: Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal') •

05 Jun 2018 — A server-side request forgery vulnerability exists in Jenkins 2.120 and older, LTS 2.107.2 and older in ZipExtractionInstaller.java that allows users with Overall/Read permission to have Jenkins submit a HTTP GET request to an arbitrary URL and learn whether the response is successful (200) or not. Existe una vulnerabilidad Server-Side Request Forgery en Jenkins 2.120 y versiones anteriores y LTS 2.107.2 y versiones anteriores en ZipExtractionInstaller.java que permite a los usuarios con permiso Overall/Rea... • https://jenkins.io/security/advisory/2018-05-09/#SECURITY-794 • CWE-352: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) •

05 Jun 2018 — A information exposure vulnerability exists in Jenkins 2.120 and older, LTS 2.107.2 and older in AboutJenkins.java, ListPluginsCommand.java that allows users with Overall/Read access to enumerate all installed plugins. Existe una vulnerabilidad de exposición de información en Jenkins 2.120 y versiones anteriores, LTS 2.107.2 y versiones anteriores en AboutJenkins.java y ListPluginsCommand.java que permite a los usuarios con acceso Overall/Read enumerar todos los plugins instalados. • https://jenkins.io/security/advisory/2018-05-09/#SECURITY-771 •

05 Jun 2018 — A improper neutralization of control sequences vulnerability exists in Jenkins 2.120 and older, LTS 2.107.2 and older in HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.java that allows users to sign up using user names containing control characters that can then appear to have the same name as other users, and cannot be deleted via the UI. Existe una vulnerabilidad de neutralización inadecuada de las secuencias de control en Jenkins 2.120 y versiones anteriores y LTS 2.107.2 y versiones anteriores en HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm... • https://jenkins.io/security/advisory/2018-05-09/#SECURITY-786 • CWE-74: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements in Output Used by a Downstream Component ('Injection') •