02 Jul 2021 — An issue was discovered in the AbuseFilter extension in MediaWiki through 1.36. If the MediaWiki:Abusefilter-blocker message is invalid within the content language, the filter user falls back to the English version, but that English version could also be invalid on a wiki. This would result in a fatal error, and potentially fail to block or restrict a potentially nefarious user. Se ha detectado un problema en la extensión AbuseFilter en MediaWiki versiones hasta 1.36. Si el mensaje de MediaWiki:Abusefilter-... • https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/q/I9e9f44b7663e810de70fb9ac7f6760f83dd4895b •

02 Jul 2021 — An issue was discovered in the CentralAuth extension in MediaWiki through 1.36. The Special:GlobalUserRights page provided search results which, for a suppressed MediaWiki user, were different than for any other user, thus easily disclosing suppressed accounts (which are supposed to be completely hidden). Se ha detectado un problema en la extensión CentralAuth en MediaWiki versiones hasta 1.36. La página Special:GlobalUserRights proporcionaba resultados de búsqueda que, para un usuario suprimido de MediaWik... • https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/q/I4e4dbcad61e1d4f6fd8b038bf63d19c69081a8ec • CWE-922: Insecure Storage of Sensitive Information •

02 Jul 2021 — An issue was discovered in the CentralAuth extension in MediaWiki through 1.36. Autoblocks for CentralAuth-issued suppression blocks are not properly implemented. Se ha detectado un problema en la extensión CentralAuth en MediaWiki versiones hasta 1.36. Los bloqueos automáticos para los bloques de supresión emitidos por CentralAuth no son implementados apropiadamente • https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/q/I15d14c88a1e30df92c470bc191c4ee573172d4d1 • CWE-755: Improper Handling of Exceptional Conditions •

02 Jul 2021 — An issue was discovered in the Translate extension in MediaWiki through 1.36. The Aggregategroups Action API module does not validate the parameter for aggregategroup when action=remove is set, thus allowing users with the translate-manage right to silently delete various groups' metadata. Se ha detectado un problema en la extensión Translate de MediaWiki versiones hasta 1.36. El módulo Aggregategroups Action API no comprueba el parámetro para aggregategroup cuando se ajusta action=remove, permitiendo a usu... • https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/q/I3619a7e88c2eb979babb7b027d4fdbfabc0af792 • CWE-732: Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource •

02 Jul 2021 — An XSS issue was discovered in the SocialProfile extension in MediaWiki through 1.36. Within several gift-related special pages, a privileged user with the awardmanage right could inject arbitrary HTML and JavaScript within various gift-related data fields. The attack could easily propagate across many pages for many users. Se ha detectado un problema de tipo XSS en la extensión SocialProfile de MediaWiki versiones hasta 1.36. Dentro de varias páginas especiales gift-related, un usuario privilegiado con el ... • https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/q/Id915eba45497a1a0dc1c4e00818a2fd4c0ce55d3 • CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') •

02 Jul 2021 — An XSS issue was discovered in the SportsTeams extension in MediaWiki through 1.36. Within several special pages, a privileged user could inject arbitrary HTML and JavaScript within various data fields. The attack could easily propagate across many pages for many users. Se ha detectado un problema de tipo XSS en la extensión SportsTeams de MediaWiki versiones hasta 1.36. En varias páginas especiales, un usuario privilegiado podría inyectar HTML y JavaScript arbitrarios en varios campos de datos. • https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/q/Ic312cc9b8463c8e7c3298a661abfcff2cc2332cb • CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') •

02 Jul 2021 — An issue was discovered in the FileImporter extension in MediaWiki through 1.36. For certain relaxed configurations of the $wgFileImporterRequiredRight variable, it might not validate all appropriate user rights, thus allowing a user with insufficient rights to perform operations (specifically file uploads) that they should not be allowed to perform. Se ha detectado un problema en la extensión FileImporter de MediaWiki versiones hasta 1.36. Para determinadas configuraciones relajadas de la variable $wgFileI... • https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/q/I8ff2a67abd2c118a3469e4410eac2a451bfa76c3 • CWE-863: Incorrect Authorization •

CVE-2021-35197 – Gentoo Linux Security Advisory 202107-40
02 Jul 2021 — In MediaWiki before 1.31.15, 1.32.x through 1.35.x before 1.35.3, and 1.36.x before 1.36.1, bots have certain unintended API access. When a bot account has a "sitewide block" applied, it is able to still "purge" pages through the MediaWiki Action API (which a "sitewide block" should have prevented). En MediaWiki versiones anteriores a 1.31.15, versiones 1.32.x hasta 1.35.x, versiones anteriores a 1.35.3, y versiones 1.36.x anteriores a 1.36.1, unos bots presentan determinados accesos a la API no deseados. C... • https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts-announce/2021/10/msg00003.html • CWE-863: Incorrect Authorization •

22 Apr 2021 — An issue was discovered in the AbuseFilter extension for MediaWiki through 1.35.2. The page_recent_contributors leaked the existence of certain deleted MediaWiki usernames, related to rev_deleted. Se detectó un problema en la extensión AbuseFilter para MediaWiki versiones hasta 1.35.2. El page_recent_contributors filtró la existencia de determinados nombres de usuario de MediaWiki eliminados, relacionados con rev_deleted • https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/q/I8d5ed9ca84282ee50832035af86123633fc88293 • CWE-200: Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor •

22 Apr 2021 — An issue was discovered in the AbuseFilter extension for MediaWiki through 1.35.2. It incorrectly logged sensitive suppression deletions, which should not have been visible to users with access to view AbuseFilter log data. Se detectó un problema en la extensión AbuseFilter para MediaWiki versiones hasta 1.35.2. Registraba incorrectamente las supresiones confidenciales, que no deberían haber sido visibles para usuarios con acceso a visualizar los datos de registro de AbuseFilter • https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/q/I38a0a24fa32ca7a052b6940864a32b3856e84553 • CWE-532: Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File •