10 Dec 2003 — Apple Safari 1.0 through 1.1 on Mac OS X 10.3.1 and Mac OS X 10.2.8 allows remote attackers to steal user cookies from another domain via a link with a hex-encoded null character (%00) followed by the target domain. Apple Safari 1.0 a 1.1 en Mac OS X 10.3.1 y Mac OS X 10.2.8 permite a atacantes remotos robar 'cookies' de usuarios de otro dominio mediante un enlace con un carácter nulo codificado-hex (%00) seguido del dominio objetivo. • •
05 Jun 2003 — Konqueror Embedded and KDE 2.2.2 and earlier does not validate the Common Name (CN) field for X.509 Certificates, which could allow remote attackers to spoof certificates via a man-in-the-middle attack. Konqueror Embedded y KDE 2.2.2 y anteriores no validan el campo Common Name (CN) en certificados X.509, lo que permitiría que atacantes remotos falsifiquen certificados mediante un ataque "man-in-the-middle". • •
30 May 2003 — Safari 1.0 Beta 2 (v73) and earlier does not validate the Common Name (CN) field for X.509 Certificates, which could allow remote attackers to spoof certificates. Safari 1.0 Beta 2 (v73) y anteriores no validan el campo Common Name (CN) para Certificados X.509, lo que permitiría a atacantes remotos falsificar certificados. • •