20 Dec 2018 — On BIG-IP 14.0.0-, 13.0.0-, or 12.1.0-, or Enterprise Manager 3.1.1, when authenticated administrative users run commands in the Traffic Management User Interface (TMUI), also referred to as the BIG-IP Configuration utility, restrictions on allowed commands may not be enforced. En BIG-IP 14.0.0-, 13.0.0-, o 12.1.0-; o Enterprise Manager 3.1.1, cuando los usuarios administrativos autenticados ejecutan comandos en el TMUI (Traffic Management User Interface), tam... • https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K61620494 • CWE-862: Missing Authorization •

12 Dec 2018 — On BIG-IP 14.0.x, 13.x, 12.x, and 11.x, Enterprise Manager 3.1.1, BIG-IQ 6.x, 5.x, and 4.x, and iWorkflow 2.x, the passphrases for SNMPv3 users and trap destinations that are used for authentication and privacy are not handled by the BIG-IP system Secure Vault feature; they are written in the clear to the various configuration files. En BIG-IP 14.0.x, 13.x, 12.x y 11.x, Enterprise Manager 3.1.1, BIG-IQ 6.x, 5.x y 4.x, e iWorkflow 2.x, las frases de contraseña para los usuarios SNMPv3 y destinos de captura q... • http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/106258 • CWE-200: Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor •

31 Oct 2018 — On BIG-IP 14.0.0-, 13.0.0-, or 12.1.0-, malicious requests made to virtual servers with an HTTP profile can cause the TMM to restart. The issue is exposed with the non-default "normalize URI" configuration options used in iRules and/or BIG-IP LTM policies. En BIG-IP 14.0.0-, 13.0.0- o 12.1.0-, las peticiones maliciosas realizadas a los servidores virtuales con un perfil HTTP pueden provocar que TMM se reinicie. El problema está expuesto a las opciones de confi... • http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/107052 • CWE-20: Improper Input Validation •

31 Oct 2018 — On BIG-IP 14.0.0-, 13.0.0-, 12.1.0-, 11.6.0-, or 11.2.1-11.5.6, BIG-IQ Centralized Management 6.0.0-6.0.1, 5.0.0-5.4.0 or 4.6.0, BIG-IQ Cloud and Orchestration 1.0.0, iWorkflow 2.0.1-2.3.0, or Enterprise Manager 3.1.1 a BIG-IP user granted with tmsh access may cause the BIG-IP system to experience denial-of-service (DoS) when the BIG-IP user uses the tmsh utility to run the edit cli preference command and proceeds to save the changes to another filename repeatedly. This actio... • https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K28003839 •

31 Oct 2018 — In BIG-IP 14.0.0-,, or, If an MPTCP connection receives an abort signal while the initial flow is not the primary flow, the initial flow will remain after the closing procedure is complete. TMM may restart and produce a core file as a result of this condition. En BIG-IP 14.0.0-, o, si una conexión MPTCP recibe una señal de aborto mientras el flujo inicial no es el primario, el flujo inicial se mantendrá una vez se comple... • https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K16248201 • CWE-20: Improper Input Validation •

31 Oct 2018 — In BIG-IP 14.0.0-, 13.0.0-, 12.1.0-, and 11.2.1-, an attacker sending specially crafted SSL records to a SSL Virtual Server will cause corruption in the SSL data structures leading to intermittent decrypt BAD_RECORD_MAC errors. Clients will be unable to access the application load balanced by a virtual server with an SSL profile until tmm is restarted. En BIG-IP versión 14.0.0 hasta, versión 13.0.0 hasta, versión 12.1.0 hasta y versión 11.2.1 hasta 1... • https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K43625118 •

31 Oct 2018 — When BIG-IP 14.0.0-, 13.0.0-, 12.1.0-, 11.6.0-, or 11.2.1-11.5.6, BIG-IQ Centralized Management 5.0.0-5.4.0 or 4.6.0, BIG-IQ Cloud and Orchestration 1.0.0, iWorkflow 2.1.0-2.3.0, or Enterprise Manager 3.1.1 is licensed for Appliance Mode, Admin and Resource administrator roles can by-pass BIG-IP Appliance Mode restrictions to overwrite critical system files. Attackers of high privilege level are able to overwrite critical system files which bypasses security controls in place... • https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K01067037 • CWE-269: Improper Privilege Management •

19 Oct 2018 — On F5 BIG-IP 13.0.0- and 12.1.0-, a reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability exists in an undisclosed page of the BIG-IP Configuration utility that allows an authenticated user to execute JavaScript for the currently logged-in user. En F5 BIG-IP 13.0.0- y 12.1.0-, existe una vulnerabilidad Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) reflejado en una página sin revelar de la utilidad de configuración de BIG-IP que permite que un usuario sin configurar ejecute JavaScript para el usuar... • http://www.securitytracker.com/id/1041932 • CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') •

19 Oct 2018 — On F5 BIG-IP 13.0.0- and 12.1.0-, there is a reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in an undisclosed Configuration Utility page. En F5 BIG-IP 13.0.0- y 12.1.0-, hay una vulnerabilidad Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) reflejado en una página Configuration Utility sin revelar. • http://www.securitytracker.com/id/1041935 • CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') •

10 Oct 2018 — When F5 BIG-IP 13.0.0-, 12.1.0-, 11.6.0-, or 11.5.1-11.5.6 is processing specially crafted TCP traffic with the Large Receive Offload (LRO) feature enabled, TMM may crash, leading to a failover event. This vulnerability is not exposed unless LRO is enabled, so most affected customers will be on 13.1.x. LRO has been available since 11.4.0 but is not enabled by default until 13.1.0. Cuando F5 BIG-IP 13.0.0-, 12.1.0-, 11.6.0- o 11.5.1-11.5.6 está procesando tráfi... • https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K07550539 •