06 Nov 2019 — WebApp JSP Snoop page XSS in jetty though 6.1.21. Una vulnerabilidad de tipo XSS de la página WebSpp JSP Snoop en jetty versiones hasta 6.1.21. • http://www.ush.it/team/ush/hack-jetty6x7x/jetty-adv.txt • CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') •

06 Nov 2019 — Cookie Dump Servlet stored XSS vulnerability in jetty though 6.1.20. Una vulnerabilidad de tipo XSS almacenado en Cookie Dump Servlet en jetty versiones hasta 6.1.20. • http://www.ush.it/team/ush/hack-jetty6x7x/jetty-adv.txt • CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') •

CVE-2017-7658 – jetty: Incorrect header handling
26 Jun 2018 — In Eclipse Jetty Server, versions 9.2.x and older, 9.3.x (all non HTTP/1.x configurations), and 9.4.x (all HTTP/1.x configurations), when presented with two content-lengths headers, Jetty ignored the second. When presented with a content-length and a chunked encoding header, the content-length was ignored (as per RFC 2616). If an intermediary decided on the shorter length, but still passed on the longer body, then body content could be interpreted by Jetty as a pipelined request. If the intermediary was imp... • http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/106566 • CWE-444: Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests ('HTTP Request/Response Smuggling') •

CVE-2017-7657 – jetty: HTTP request smuggling
26 Jun 2018 — In Eclipse Jetty, versions 9.2.x and older, 9.3.x (all configurations), and 9.4.x (non-default configuration with RFC2616 compliance enabled), transfer-encoding chunks are handled poorly. The chunk length parsing was vulnerable to an integer overflow. Thus a large chunk size could be interpreted as a smaller chunk size and content sent as chunk body could be interpreted as a pipelined request. If Jetty was deployed behind an intermediary that imposed some authorization and that intermediary allowed arbitrar... • http://www.securitytracker.com/id/1041194 • CWE-190: Integer Overflow or Wraparound CWE-444: Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests ('HTTP Request/Response Smuggling') •

CVE-2017-7656 – jetty: HTTP request smuggling using the range header
26 Jun 2018 — In Eclipse Jetty, versions 9.2.x and older, 9.3.x (all configurations), and 9.4.x (non-default configuration with RFC2616 compliance enabled), HTTP/0.9 is handled poorly. An HTTP/1 style request line (i.e. method space URI space version) that declares a version of HTTP/0.9 was accepted and treated as a 0.9 request. If deployed behind an intermediary that also accepted and passed through the 0.9 version (but did not act on it), then the response sent could be interpreted by the intermediary as HTTP/1 headers... • http://www.securitytracker.com/id/1041194 • CWE-444: Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests ('HTTP Request/Response Smuggling') •

16 Jun 2017 — Jetty through 9.4.x is prone to a timing channel in util/security/Password.java, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access by observing elapsed times before rejection of incorrect passwords. Jetty hasta la versión 9.4.x es propenso a una sincronización de canal en util/security/Password.java, lo que facilita que atacantes remotos obtengan acceso observando el tiempo transcurrido antes de rechazar contraseñas incorrectas. SR 760 Feeder Protection Relay, en versiones de firmware anteriores a... • http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/99104 • CWE-203: Observable Discrepancy •

CVE-2011-4461 – jetty: hash table collisions CPU usage DoS (oCERT-2011-003)
30 Dec 2011 — Jetty 8.1.0.RC2 and earlier computes hash values for form parameters without restricting the ability to trigger hash collisions predictably, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) by sending many crafted parameters. Jetty v8.1.0.RC2 y anteriores calcula los valores hash de los parámetros de forma, sin restringir la capacidad de desencadenar colisiones hash predecible, lo que permite a atacantes remotos provocar una denegación de servicio (consumo de CPU) mediante el env... • http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/bugtraq/2011-12/0181.html • CWE-310: Cryptographic Issues •

CVE-2009-1524 – Jetty 6.1.6 Cross Site Scripting
05 May 2009 — Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Mort Bay Jetty before 6.1.17 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a directory listing request containing a ; (semicolon) character. Vulnerabilidad de secuencias de comandos en sitios cruzados (XSS) en Mort Bay Jetty anterior a v6.1.17 permite a atacantes remotos inyectar secuencias de comandos web o HTML a través de una petición de listado de directorio que contenga el carácter ; (punto y coma). Jetty version 6.1.6 suffers from a cros... • https://packetstorm.news/files/id/148929 • CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') •

CVE-2009-1523 – Jetty Web Server - Directory Traversal
05 May 2009 — Directory traversal vulnerability in the HTTP server in Mort Bay Jetty 5.1.14, 6.x before 6.1.17, and 7.x through 7.0.0.M2 allows remote attackers to access arbitrary files via directory traversal sequences in the URI. Una vulnerabilidad de salto directorio en el servidor HTTP en Mort Bay Jetty versión 5.1.14, versiones 6.x anteriores a 6.1.17, y versiones 7.x hasta 7.0.0.M2, permite a los atacantes remotos acceder a archivos arbitrarios por medio de secuencias de salto de directorio en el URI. • https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/36318 • CWE-22: Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal') •

05 Dec 2007 — Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Dump Servlet in Mortbay Jetty before 6.1.6rc1 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified parameters and cookies. Vulnerabilidad de secuencias de comandos en sitios cruzados (XSS) en Dump Servlet de Mortbay Jetty anterior a 6.1.6rc1 permite a atacantes remotos inyectar secuencias de comandos web o HTML de su elección mediante parámetro y cookies no especificados. • http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JETTY-452 • CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') •