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CVSS: 7.1EPSS: 0%CPEs: 5EXPL: 0

14 Jan 2004 — Unknown vulnerability in chroot on SCO UnixWare 7.1.1 through 7.1.4 allows local users to escape the chroot jail and conduct unauthorized activities. • •

CVSS: 4.6EPSS: 0%CPEs: 3EXPL: 0

18 Nov 2003 — SCO UnixWare 7.1.1, 7.1.3, and Open UNIX 8.0.0 allows local users to bypass protections for the "as" address space file for a process ID (PID) by obtaining a procfs file descriptor for the file and calling execve() on a setuid or setgid program, which leaves the descriptor open to the user. SCO UnixWare 7.1.1, 7.1.3, y Open UNIX 8.0.0 permite que usuarios locales se salten protecciones para un PID de proceso obteniendo un descriptor de fichero procfs para el fichero y llamando a execve() en un programa con ... • •

CVSS: 7.8EPSS: 0%CPEs: 3EXPL: 2

06 Nov 2003 — Buffer overflow in CDE libDtHelp library allows local users to execute arbitrary code via (1) a modified DTHELPUSERSEARCHPATH environment variable and the Help feature, (2) DTSEARCHPATH, or (3) LOGNAME. Desbordamiento de búfer en la librería libDtHelp de CDE permite a usuarios locales ejecutar código arbitrario mediante una variable de entorno DTHELPUSSEARCHPATH modificada en la característica "Help". • •

CVSS: 7.5EPSS: 0%CPEs: 4EXPL: 0

03 Sep 2003 — Docview before 1.1-18 in Caldera OpenLinux 3.1.1, SCO Linux 4.0, OpenServer 5.0.7, configures the Apache web server in a way that allows remote attackers to read arbitrary publicly readable files via a certain URL, possibly related to rewrite rules. • •

CVSS: 9.8EPSS: 0%CPEs: 48EXPL: 0

11 Dec 2002 — 2.0.7 and earlier, when used in Perl 5.8.0 and earlier, may allow attackers to break out of safe compartments in (1) Safe::reval or (2) Safe::rdo using a redefined @_ variable, which is not reset between successive calls. 2.0.7 y anteriores, si se usan con Perl 5.8.0 y anteriores, pueden permitir a atacantes escapar de compartimientos seguros en Safe::reval o Safe::rdo usando una variable @_ redefinida, que no es reestablecida entre llamadas sucesivas. • •

CVSS: 9.8EPSS: 0%CPEs: 46EXPL: 0

12 Jul 2002 — CDE ToolTalk database server (ttdbserver) allows remote attackers to overwrite arbitrary memory locations with a zero, and possibly gain privileges, via a file descriptor argument in an AUTH_UNIX procedure call, which is used as a table index by the _TT_ISCLOSE procedure. El sevidor de bases de datos CDE ToolTalk (ttdbserver) permite a atacantes remotos sobrescribir posiciones arbitrarias de memoria con ceros, y posiblemente ganar privilegios, mediante un arguemnte de descriptor de fichero en una llamada al... • •

CVSS: 7.2EPSS: 0%CPEs: 8EXPL: 1

04 Dec 1999 — UnixWare pkgtrans allows local users to read arbitrary files via a symlink attack. • •