CVE-2022-43917 – IBM WebSphere Application Server information disclosure
25 Jan 2023 — IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and 9.0 traditional container uses weaker than expected cryptographic keys that could allow an attacker to decrypt sensitive information. This affects only the containerized version of WebSphere Application Server traditional. IBM X-Force ID: 241045. El contenedor tradicional IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5 y 9.0 utiliza claves criptográficas más débiles de lo esperado que podrían permitir a un atacante descifrar información confidencial. Esto afecta sólo a la versi... • https://exchange.xforce.ibmcloud.com/vulnerabilities/241045 • CWE-327: Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm •

24 Jan 2023 — SoftPerfect NetWorx 7.1.1 on Windows allows an attacker to execute a malicious binary with potentially higher privileges via a low-privileged user account that abuses the Notifications function. The Notifications function allows for arbitrary binary execution and can be modified by any user. The resulting binary execution will occur in the context of any user running NetWorx. If an attacker modifies the Notifications function to execute a malicious binary, the binary will be executed by every user running N... • https://giuliamelottigaribaldi.com/cve-2022-48199 •

24 Jan 2023 — An issue was discovered in the rollback feature of Elastic Endpoint Security for Windows, which could allow unprivileged users to elevate their privileges to those of the LocalSystem account. Se descubrió un problema en la función de reversión de Elastic Endpoint Security para Windows, que podría permitir a los usuarios sin privilegios elevar sus privilegios a los de la cuenta LocalSystem. • https://discuss.elastic.co/t/endpoint-security-8-4-1-security-statement/323753 • CWE-269: Improper Privilege Management •

24 Jan 2023 — An issue was discovered in the quarantine feature of Elastic Endpoint Security and Elastic Endgame for Windows, which could allow unprivileged users to elevate their privileges to those of the LocalSystem account. Se descubrió un problema en la función de cuarentena de Elastic Endpoint Security y Elastic Endgame para Windows, que podría permitir a los usuarios sin privilegios elevar sus permisos a los de la cuenta LocalSystem. • https://discuss.elastic.co/t/endpoint-security-8-4-0-7-17-7-and-endgame-3-62-3-security-statement/323754 • CWE-269: Improper Privilege Management •

23 Jan 2023 — Signal Desktop before 6.2.0 on Windows, Linux, and macOS allows an attacker to modify conversation attachments within the attachments.noindex directory. Client mechanisms fail to validate modifications of existing cached files, resulting in an attacker's ability to insert malicious code into pre-existing attachments or replace them completely. A threat actor can forward the existing attachment in the corresponding conversation to external groups, and the name and size of the file will not change, allowing t... • https://johnjhacking.com/blog/cve-2023-24068-cve-2023-24069 •

23 Jan 2023 — Signal Desktop before 6.2.0 on Windows, Linux, and macOS allows an attacker to obtain potentially sensitive attachments sent in messages from the attachments.noindex directory. Cached attachments are not effectively cleared. In some cases, even after a self-initiated file deletion, an attacker can still recover the file if it was previously replied to in a conversation. (Local filesystem access is needed by the attacker.) NOTE: the vendor disputes the relevance of this finding because the product is not int... • https://johnjhacking.com/blog/cve-2023-24068-cve-2023-24069 • CWE-200: Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor •

CVE-2022-41733 – IBM InfoSphere Information Server denial of service
20 Jan 2023 — IBM InfoSphere Information Server 11.7 could allow a remote attacked to cause some of the components to be unusable until the process is restarted. IBM X-Force ID: 237583. IBM InfoSphere Information Server 11.7 podría permitir que un ataque remoto provoque que algunos de los componentes queden inutilizables hasta que se reinicie el proceso. ID de IBM X-Force: 237583. • https://exchange.xforce.ibmcloud.com/vulnerabilities/237583 • CWE-20: Improper Input Validation •

20 Jan 2023 — SQL-Injection vulnerability caused by the lack of verification of input values for the table name of DB used by the Mangboard bulletin board. A remote attacker can use this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code on the server where the bulletin board is running. • https://boho.or.kr/krcert/secNoticeView.do?bulletin_writing_sequence=67127 • CWE-89: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection') •

CVE-2021-26642 – XpressEngine file upload vulnerability
20 Jan 2023 — When uploading an image file to a bulletin board developed with XpressEngine, a vulnerability in which an arbitrary file can be uploaded due to insufficient verification of the file. A remote attacker can use this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code on the server where the bulletin board is running. • https://boho.or.kr/krcert/secNoticeView.do?bulletin_writing_sequence=67125 • CWE-434: Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type •

CVE-2023-22863 – IBM Robotic Process Automation information disclosure
18 Jan 2023 — IBM Robotic Process Automation 20.12.0 through 21.0.2 defaults to HTTP in some RPA commands when the prefix is not explicitly specified in the URL. This could allow an attacker to obtain sensitive information using man in the middle techniques. IBM X-Force ID: 244109. IBM Robotic Process Automation 20.12.0 a 21.0.2 utiliza de forma predeterminada HTTP en algunos comandos RPA cuando el prefijo no se especifica explícitamente en la URL. Esto podría permitir a un atacante obtener información confidencial utili... • https://exchange.xforce.ibmcloud.com/vulnerabilities/244109 • CWE-319: Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information •