CVE-2019-1003029 – Jenkins Script Security Plugin Sandbox Bypass Vulnerability
08 Mar 2019 — A sandbox bypass vulnerability exists in Jenkins Script Security Plugin 1.53 and earlier in src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/plugins/scriptsecurity/sandbox/groovy/GroovySandbox.java, src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/plugins/scriptsecurity/sandbox/groovy/SecureGroovyScript.java that allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to execute arbitrary code on the Jenkins master JVM. Existe una vulnerabilidad de omisión de sandbox en Jenkins Script Security Plugin, en la versión 1.53 y anteriores en src/main/java/org/jenk... • https://packetstorm.news/files/id/166778 • CWE-96: Improper Neutralization of Directives in Statically Saved Code ('Static Code Injection') •

CVE-2019-1003024 – jenkins-plugin-script-security: Sandbox Bypass in Script Security Plugin (SECURITY-1320)
20 Feb 2019 — A sandbox bypass vulnerability exists in Jenkins Script Security Plugin 1.52 and earlier in RejectASTTransformsCustomizer.java that allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to provide a Groovy script to an HTTP endpoint that can result in arbitrary code execution on the Jenkins master JVM. Existe una vulnerabilidad de omisión de sandbox en Jenkins Script Security Plugin, en versiones 1.52 y anteriores, en RejectASTTransformsCustomizer.java, que permite que los atacantes con permisos Overall/Read propor... • http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/107295 • CWE-96: Improper Neutralization of Directives in Statically Saved Code ('Static Code Injection') •

CVE-2019-1003005 – jenkins-plugin-script-security: Sandbox Bypass in Script Security Plugin (SECURITY-1292)
06 Feb 2019 — A sandbox bypass vulnerability exists in Jenkins Script Security Plugin 1.50 and earlier in src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/plugins/scriptsecurity/sandbox/groovy/SecureGroovyScript.java that allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to provide a Groovy script to an HTTP endpoint that can result in arbitrary code execution on the Jenkins master JVM. Existe una vulnerabilidad de omisión de sandbox en Jenkins Script Security Plugin, en versiones 1.50 y anteriores, en src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/plugins/scripts... • https://packetstorm.news/files/id/166778 • CWE-96: Improper Neutralization of Directives in Statically Saved Code ('Static Code Injection') •

CVE-2019-1003000 – Jenkins 2.137 and Pipeline Groovy Plugin 2.61 - ACL Bypass and Metaprogramming Remote Code Execution
22 Jan 2019 — A sandbox bypass vulnerability exists in Script Security Plugin 1.49 and earlier in src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/plugins/scriptsecurity/sandbox/groovy/GroovySandbox.java that allows attackers with the ability to provide sandboxed scripts to execute arbitrary code on the Jenkins master JVM. Existe una vulnerabilidad de omisión de sandbox en Script Security Plugin versión 1.49 y anteriores, en src/main/java/org/jenkinsc/plugins/scriptsecurity/sandbox/ groovy/GroovySandbox.java que permite a los atacantes la ca... • https://packetstorm.news/files/id/152132 •

10 Dec 2018 — A sandbox bypass vulnerability exists in Script Security Plugin 1.47 and earlier in groovy-sandbox/src/main/java/org/kohsuke/groovy/sandbox/SandboxTransformer.java that allows attackers with Job/Configure permission to execute arbitrary code on the Jenkins master JVM, if plugins using the Groovy sandbox are installed. Existe una vulnerabilidad de omisión de sandbox en Script Security Plugin 1.47 y anteriores en groovy-sandbox/src/main/java/org/kohsuke/groovy/sandbox/SandboxTransformer.java que permite que l... • https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2019:0326 • CWE-269: Improper Privilege Management •

25 Jan 2018 — In Jenkins Script Security Plugin version 1.36 and earlier, users with the ability to configure sandboxed Groovy scripts are able to use a type coercion feature in Groovy to create new `File` objects from strings. This allowed reading arbitrary files on the Jenkins master file system. Such a type coercion is now subject to sandbox protection and considered to be a call to the `new File(String)` constructor for the purpose of in-process script approval. En las versiones 1.36 y anteriores del plugin Script Se... • https://jenkins.io/security/advisory/2017-12-11 • CWE-200: Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor •

04 Oct 2017 — Script Security Plugin did not apply sandboxing restrictions to constructor invocations via positional arguments list, super constructor invocations, method references, and type coercion expressions. This could be used to invoke arbitrary constructors and methods, bypassing sandbox protection. El plugin Script Security no aplica las restricciones de sandboxing para las invocaciones de constructores mediante listas de argumentos posicionales, invocaciones de superconstructores, referencias de métodos y expre... • https://jenkins.io/security/advisory/2017-08-07 •

04 Oct 2017 — The default whitelist included the following unsafe entries: DefaultGroovyMethods.putAt(Object, String, Object); DefaultGroovyMethods.getAt(Object, String). These allowed circumventing many of the access restrictions implemented in the script sandbox by using e.g. currentBuild['rawBuild'] rather than currentBuild.rawBuild. Additionally, the following entries allowed accessing private data that would not be accessible otherwise due to script security: groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(Closure); groovy.json.JsonO... • https://jenkins.io/security/advisory/2017-07-10 • CWE-732: Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource •

09 Feb 2017 — The Script Security plugin before 1.18.1 in Jenkins might allow remote attackers to bypass a Groovy sandbox protection mechanism via a plugin that performs (1) direct field access or (2) get/set array operations. El plugin Script Security en versiones anteriores a 1.18.1 en Jenkins podría permitir a atacantes remotos eludir el mecanismo de protección sandbox de Groovy a través del plugin que realiza (1) acceso directo al campo o (2) operaciones de array get/set. • https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/SECURITY/Jenkins+Security+Advisory+2016-04-11 • CWE-254: 7PK - Security Features •