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CVSS: 7.8EPSS: 0%CPEs: 3EXPL: 0

13 Jan 2022 — After accepting an untrusted certificate, handling an empty pkcs7 sequence as part of the certificate data could have lead to a crash. This crash is believed to be unexploitable. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox < 96, and Thunderbird < 91.5. Después de aceptar un certificado que no es de confianza, manejar una secuencia pkcs7 vacía como parte de los datos del certificado podría haber provocado un bloqueo. Se cree que este accidente no es explotable. • • CWE-295: Improper Certificate Validation CWE-476: NULL Pointer Dereference •

CVSS: 7.8EPSS: 0%CPEs: 3EXPL: 0

13 Jan 2022 — When inserting text while in edit mode, some characters might have lead to out-of-bounds memory access causing a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox < 96, and Thunderbird < 91.5. Al insertar texto en el modo de edición, es posible que algunos caracteres hayan provocado un acceso a la memoria fuera de los límites, lo que provocó un bloqueo potencialmente explotable. Esta vulnerabilidad afecta a Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox < 96 y Thunderbird < 91.5. A... • • CWE-120: Buffer Copy without Checking Size of Input ('Classic Buffer Overflow') CWE-125: Out-of-bounds Read •

CVSS: 7.8EPSS: 0%CPEs: 3EXPL: 1

13 Jan 2022 — Malicious websites could have tricked users into accepting launching a program to handle an external URL protocol. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox < 96, and Thunderbird < 91.5. Los sitios web maliciosos podrían haber engañado a los usuarios para que aceptaran iniciar un programa para manejar un protocolo URL externo. Esta vulnerabilidad afecta a Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox < 96 y Thunderbird < 91.5. The Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory describes this flaw as: Malicious we... • • CWE-1021: Improper Restriction of Rendered UI Layers or Frames •

CVSS: 7.8EPSS: 0%CPEs: 3EXPL: 1

13 Jan 2022 — Malicious websites could have confused Firefox into showing the wrong origin when asking to launch a program and handling an external URL protocol. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox < 96, and Thunderbird < 91.5. Los sitios web maliciosos podrían haber confundido a Firefox al mostrar el origen incorrecto al solicitar iniciar un programa y manejar un protocolo URL externo. Esta vulnerabilidad afecta a Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox < 96 y Thunderbird < 91.5. A flaw was found in Mozi... • • CWE-1021: Improper Restriction of Rendered UI Layers or Frames •

CVSS: 7.5EPSS: 0%CPEs: 3EXPL: 0

13 Jan 2022 — When navigating from inside an iframe while requesting fullscreen access, an attacker-controlled tab could have made the browser unable to leave fullscreen mode. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox < 96, and Thunderbird < 91.5. Al navegar desde dentro de un iframe mientras se solicita acceso a pantalla completa, una pestaña controlada por un atacante podría haber impedido que el navegador saliera del modo de pantalla completa. Esta vulnerabilidad afecta a Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox &l... • • CWE-1021: Improper Restriction of Rendered UI Layers or Frames •

CVSS: 10.0EPSS: 0%CPEs: 3EXPL: 1

13 Jan 2022 — Certain network request objects were freed too early when releasing a network request handle. This could have lead to a use-after-free causing a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox < 96, and Thunderbird < 91.5. Ciertos objetos de solicitud de red se liberaron demasiado pronto al liberar un identificador de solicitud de red. Esto podría haber dado lugar a un use-after-free que provocaría un bloqueo potencialmente explotable. • • CWE-416: Use After Free •

CVSS: 10.0EPSS: 0%CPEs: 3EXPL: 1

13 Jan 2022 — Applying a CSS filter effect could have accessed out of bounds memory. This could have lead to a heap-buffer-overflow causing a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox < 96, and Thunderbird < 91.5. La aplicación de un efecto de filtro CSS podría haber accedido a la memoria fuera de los límites. Esto podría haber provocado un desbordamiento de búfer de almacenamiento dinámico provocando un fallo potencialmente explotable. • • CWE-120: Buffer Copy without Checking Size of Input ('Classic Buffer Overflow') CWE-787: Out-of-bounds Write •

CVSS: 10.0EPSS: 0%CPEs: 3EXPL: 1

13 Jan 2022 — It was possible to construct specific XSLT markup that would be able to bypass an iframe sandbox. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox < 96, and Thunderbird < 91.5. Fue posible construir un marcado XSLT específico que podría omitir un entorno limitado de iframe. Esta vulnerabilidad afecta a Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox < 96 y Thunderbird < 91.5. The Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory describes this flaw as: It was possible to construct specific XSLT markups that would enable some... • • CWE-91: XML Injection (aka Blind XPath Injection) CWE-1021: Improper Restriction of Rendered UI Layers or Frames •

CVSS: 10.0EPSS: 0%CPEs: 3EXPL: 0

13 Jan 2022 — Mozilla developers Calixte Denizet, Kershaw Chang, Christian Holler, Jason Kratzer, Gabriele Svelto, Tyson Smith, Simon Giesecke, and Steve Fink reported memory safety bugs present in Firefox 95 and Firefox ESR 91.4. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption and we presume that with enough effort some of these could have been exploited to run arbitrary code. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox < 96, and Thunderbird < 91.5. Los desarrolladores de Mozilla, Calixte Denizet, Ker... • • CWE-120: Buffer Copy without Checking Size of Input ('Classic Buffer Overflow') CWE-787: Out-of-bounds Write •

CVSS: 7.8EPSS: 0%CPEs: 3EXPL: 0

13 Jan 2022 — When resizing a popup while requesting fullscreen access, the popup would have become unable to leave fullscreen mode. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 91.5, Firefox < 96, and Thunderbird < 91.5. Al cambiar el tamaño de una ventana emergente mientras se solicita acceso a pantalla completa, la ventana emergente no podría salir del modo de pantalla completa. Esta vulnerabilidad afecta a Firefox ESR &lt; 91.5, Firefox &lt; 96 y Thunderbird &lt; 91.5. A flaw was found in Mozilla. • • CWE-1021: Improper Restriction of Rendered UI Layers or Frames •