07 Mar 2006 — Linux kernel 2.6 before allows local users to obtain sensitive information via a crafted XFS ftruncate call, which may return stale data. • http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/ChangeLog- •

07 Feb 2006 — Linux kernel before down to 2.6.12, while constructing an ICMP response in icmp_send, does not properly handle when the ip_options_echo function in icmp.c fails, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via vectors such as (1) record-route and (2) timestamp IP options with the needaddr bit set and a truncated value. El kernel de Linux en versiones anteriores a hasta la versión 2.6.12, mientras construye una respuesta ICMP en icmp_send, no maneja adecuadamente cuan... • http://lists.immunitysec.com/pipermail/dailydave/2006-February/002909.html • CWE-399: Resource Management Errors •

31 Jan 2006 — Linux kernel and earlier, when running on SPARC architectures, allows local users to cause a denial of service (hang) via a "date -s" command, which causes invalid sign extended arguments to be provided to the get_compat_timespec function call. El kernel de Linux y versiones anteriores, cuando se ejecuta en arquitecturas SPARC, permite a usuarios locales provocar una denegación de servicio (cuelgue) a través del comando "date-s", lo que provoca argumentos de señal extendida no válidos para... • http://lists.debian.org/debian-sparc/2006/01/msg00129.html •

23 Jan 2006 — ip_nat_pptp in the PPTP NAT helper (netfilter/ip_nat_helper_pptp.c) in Linux kernel 2.6.14, and other versions, allows local users to cause a denial of service (memory corruption or crash) via a crafted outbound packet that causes an incorrect offset to be calculated from pointer arithmetic when non-linear SKBs (socket buffers) are used. • http://kernel.org/git/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git%3Ba=commitdiff%3Bh=03b9feca89366952ae5dfe4ad8107b1ece50b710 •

23 Jan 2006 — ip_nat_pptp in the PPTP NAT helper (netfilter/ip_nat_helper_pptp.c) in Linux kernel 2.6.14, and other versions, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption or crash) via an inbound PPTP_IN_CALL_REQUEST packet that causes a null pointer to be used in an offset calculation. • http://kernel.org/git/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git%3Ba=commitdiff%3Bh=15db34702cfafd24acc60295cf14861e497502ab •

11 Jan 2006 — The netlink_rcv_skb function in af_netlink.c in Linux kernel 2.6.14 and 2.6.15 allows local users to cause a denial of service (infinite loop) via a nlmsg_len field of 0. • http://secunia.com/advisories/18482 • CWE-399: Resource Management Errors •

06 Jan 2006 — dm-crypt in Linux kernel 2.6.15 and earlier does not clear a structure before it is freed, which leads to a memory disclosure that could allow local users to obtain sensitive information about a cryptographic key. dm-crypt en el kernel de Linux 2.6.15 y versiones anteriores no borra una estructura antes de ser liberada, lo que lleva a una divulgación de memoria que puede permitir a usuarios locales obtener información sensible de una clave criptográfica. • http://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=113640535312572&w=2 •

06 Jan 2006 — wan/sdla.c in Linux kernel 2.6.x before 2.6.11 and 2.4.x before 2.4.29 does not require the CAP_SYS_RAWIO privilege for an SDLA firmware upgrade, with unknown impact and local attack vectors. NOTE: further investigation suggests that this issue requires root privileges to exploit, since it is protected by CAP_NET_ADMIN; thus it might not be a vulnerability, although capabilities provide finer distinctions between privilege levels. • http://linux.bkbits.net:8080/linux-2.4/cset%401.1448.91.23?nav=index.html%7Csrc/%7Csrc/drivers%7Csrc/drivers/net%7Csrc/drivers/net/wan%7Crelated/drivers/net/wan/sdla.c •

31 Dec 2005 — The mq_open system call in Linux kernel 2.6.9, in certain situations, can decrement a counter twice ("double decrement") as a result of multiple calls to the mntput function when the dentry_open function call fails, which allows local users to cause a denial of service (panic) via unspecified attack vectors. • http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=169130 •

CVE-2005-4605 – Linux Kernel < - 'procfs' Kernel Memory Disclosure
31 Dec 2005 — The procfs code (proc_misc.c) in Linux and other versions before 2.6.15 allows attackers to read sensitive kernel memory via unspecified vectors in which a signed value is added to an unsigned value. • https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/9363 •