26 Oct 2004 — SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 on the S/390 platform does not properly handle a certain privileged instruction, which allows local users to gain root privileges. • http://secunia.com/advisories/19369 •

26 Oct 2004 — Certain USB drivers in the Linux 2.4 kernel use the copy_to_user function on uninitialized structures, which could allow local users to obtain sensitive information by reading memory that was not cleared from previous usage. Ciertos controladores USB en el kernel de Linux 2.4 usa la función copy_to_user con structuras no inicializadas, lo que podría permitir a usuarios locales obtener información sensible leyendo memoria que no ha sido borrada desde el uso anterior. • http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=127921 •

CVE-2004-0415 – Linux Kernel 2.4.26 - File Offset Pointer Handling Memory Disclosure
05 Aug 2004 — Linux kernel does not properly convert 64-bit file offset pointers to 32 bits, which allows local users to access portions of kernel memory. • https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/375 •

14 Jul 2004 — The Equalizer Load-balancer for serial network interfaces (eql.c) in Linux kernel 2.6.x up to 2.6.7 allows local users to cause a denial of service via a non-existent device name that triggers a null dereference. El equilibrador de carga Equalizer de interfaces de red serie (eql.c) en Linux kernel 2.6 a 2.6.7 permite a usuarios locales causar una denegación de servicio mediante un nombre de dispositivo no existente que dispara una desreferencia nula. • http://linux.bkbits.net:8080/linux-2.6/cset%4040d4aa72hPLWy-jMLr0eJAXMxHcNZg •

13 Jul 2004 — Integer overflow in the hpsb_alloc_packet function (incorrectly reported as alloc_hpsb_packet) in IEEE 1394 (Firewire) driver 2.4 and 2.6 allows local users to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via the functions (1) raw1394_write, (2) state_connected, (3) handle_remote_request, or (4) hpsb_make_writebpacket. • http://marc.info/?l=bugtraq&m=108793792820740 •

09 Jul 2004 — Unknown vulnerability in Linux before 2.4.26 for IA64 allows local users to cause a denial of service, with unknown impact. NOTE: due to a typo, this issue was accidentally assigned CVE-2004-0477. This is the proper candidate to use for the Linux local DoS. Vulnerabilidad desconocida en Linux para IA64 anteriores a 2.4.26 permite a usuarios locales causar una denegación de servicio, con impacto desconocido. • ftp://patches.sgi.com/support/free/security/advisories/20040804-01-U.asc •

08 Jul 2004 — Floating point information leak in the context switch code for Linux 2.4.x only checks the MFH bit but does not verify the FPH owner, which allows local users to read register values of other processes by setting the MFH bit. Fuga de información de punto flotante en el código de cambio de contexto de Linux 2.4.x sólo comprueba el bit MFH pero no verifica el propietario de FPH, lo que permite a usuarios locales leer valores de registros de otros procesos estableciendo el bit MFH. • http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/linux/owl/2004-q2/0038.html •

06 Jul 2004 — Multiple unknown vulnerabilities in Linux kernel 2.6 allow local users to gain privileges or access kernel memory, a different set of vulnerabilities than those identified in CVE-2004-0495, as found by the Sparse source code checking tool. Multiples vulnerabilidades desconocidas en el kernel 2.6 de Linux permite a usuarios locales ganar privilegios o acceder a memoria del kernel, un grupo de vulerabilidades distinto de los identificado por CAN-2004-0495, como se ha encontrado con la herramienta de comprobac... • http://www.novell.com/linux/security/advisories/2004_20_kernel.html •

CVE-2004-0497 – Linux Kernel < 2.6.7-rc3 (Slackware 9.1 / Debian 3.0) - 'sys_chown()' Group Ownership Alteration Privilege Escalation
06 Jul 2004 — Unknown vulnerability in Linux kernel 2.x may allow local users to modify the group ID of files, such as NFS exported files in kernel 2.4. Vulnerabilidad desconocida en el kernel 2.x de Linux puede permitir a usuarios locales modificar el ID de grupo de ficheros, como ficheros exportados con NFS en kernel 2.4. • https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/718 •

06 Jul 2004 — The tcp_find_option function of the netfilter subsystem in Linux kernel 2.6, when using iptables and TCP options rules, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption by infinite loop) via a large option length that produces a negative integer after a casting operation to the char type. La función tcp_find_option del subsistema netfilter del kernel 2.6 de Linux, cuando se usan iptables y reglas de opciones TCP, permite a atacantes remotos causar una denegación de servicio (consumición... • http://distro.conectiva.com.br/atualizacoes/?id=a&anuncio=000852 •