14 Sep 2004 — Mozilla Firefox before the Preview Release, Mozilla before 1.7.3, and Thunderbird before 0.8 allows remote attackers to perform cross-domain scripting and possibly execute arbitrary code by convincing a user to drag and drop javascript: links to a frame or page in another domain. • http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=250862 •
03 Aug 2004 — The cert_TestHostName function in Mozilla before 1.7, Firefox before 0.9, and Thunderbird before 0.7, only checks the hostname portion of a certificate when the hostname portion of the URI is not a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), which allows remote attackers to spoof trusted certificates. La función cet_TestHostName en Mozilla anteriores a 1.7, Firefox anteriores a 0.9, y Thunderbird anteriores a 0.7, sólo comprueba la porción de nombre de máquina de un certificado cuando la porción de nombre de máquin... • http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=234058 •
03 Aug 2004 — Mozilla before 1.7, Firefox before 0.9, and Thunderbird before 0.7, allow remote web sites to install arbitrary extensions by using interactive events to manipulate the XPInstall Security dialog box. Mozilla anteriores a 1.7, Firefox anteriores a 0.9, y Thunderbird anteriores a 0.7 permiten a sitios web remotos instalar extensiones de su elección usando eventes interactivos para manipular el cuadro de diálogo de Seguridad XPInstall. • ftp://ftp.sco.com/pub/updates/OpenServer/SCOSA-2005.49/SCOSA-2005.49.txt •
03 Aug 2004 — Heap-based buffer overflow in the SendUidl in the POP3 capability for Mozilla before 1.7, Firefox before 0.9, and Thunderbird before 0.7, may allow remote POP3 mail servers to execute arbitrary code. Desbordamiento de búfer basado en el montón en SenUidl en la capacidad POP3 de Mozilla anteriores a 1.7, Firefox anteriores a 0.9, y Thunderbird anteriores a 0.7, puede permitir a servidores POP3 remotos ejecutar código arbitrario. • ftp://ftp.sco.com/pub/updates/OpenServer/SCOSA-2005.49/SCOSA-2005.49.txt •
03 Aug 2004 — Mozilla before 1.7, Firefox before 0.9, and Thunderbird before 0.7, allow remote web sites to hijack the user interface via the "chrome" flag and XML User Interface Language (XUL) files. Mozilla anteriores a 1.7, Firefox anteriores a 0.9, y Thunderbird anteriores a 0.7, permiten a sitios web remotos secuestrar el interfaz del usuario mediante la bandera "chrome" y ficheros de Interfaz de Usuario XML (XUL). • ftp://ftp.sco.com/pub/updates/OpenServer/SCOSA-2005.49/SCOSA-2005.49.txt •
03 Aug 2004 — Mozilla before 1.7, Firefox before 0.9, and Thunderbird before 0.7, allow remote attackers to use certain redirect sequences to spoof the security lock icon that makes a web page appear to be encrypted. Mozilla anteriores a 1.7, Firefox anteriores a 0.9, y Thunderbird anteriores a 0.7 permiten a atacantes remotos usar ciertas secuencias de redirección para suplantar el icono de la cerradura de seguridad que se muestra cuando una página está cifrada. • ftp://ftp.sco.com/pub/updates/OpenServer/SCOSA-2005.49/SCOSA-2005.49.txt •
CVE-2004-0648 – Mozilla 1.7 - External Protocol Handler
13 Jul 2004 — Mozilla (Suite) before 1.7.1, Firefox before 0.9.2, and Thunderbird before 0.7.2 allow remote attackers to launch arbitrary programs via a URI referencing the shell: protocol. Mozilla (suite) anteriores a 1.7.1 y Firefox anteriores a 0.9.2, y Thunderbird anteriores a 0.7.2 permiten a atacantes remotos lanzar programas arbitrarios mediante una URI referenciando el protocolo shell: • https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/24263 •
16 Mar 2004 — Mozilla allows remote attackers to bypass intended cookie access restrictions on a web application via "%2e%2e" (encoded dot dot) directory traversal sequences in a URL, which causes Mozilla to send the cookie outside the specified URL subsets, e.g. to a vulnerable application that runs on the same server as the target application. Mozilla permite a atacantes remotos saltarse las restriciones de cookies pretendidas en una aplicación web mediante secuencias de atravesamiento de directorios "%2e%2e" (punto pu... • http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/vulnwatch/2004-q1/0056.html •
15 Mar 2004 — Mozilla before 1.4.2 executes Javascript events in the context of a new page while it is being loaded, allowing it to interact with the previous page (zombie document) and enable cross-domain and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, as demonstrated using onmousemove events. Mozilla 1.4.2 ejecuta eventos de Javascript en el contexto de una nueva página mientras se está cargando, permitiéndolo interactuar con la página anterior ("documento zombi") y posibilitando ataques de secuencias de comandos en sitios cru... • http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=227417 •
07 Oct 2003 — The Script.prototype.freeze/thaw functionality in Mozilla 1.4 and earlier allows attackers to execute native methods by modifying the string used as input to the script.thaw JavaScript function, which is then deserialized and executed. • http://secunia.com/advisories/11103 • CWE-502: Deserialization of Untrusted Data •