CVE-2024-0727 – PKCS12 Decoding crashes
25 Jan 2024 — Issue summary: Processing a maliciously formatted PKCS12 file may lead OpenSSL to crash leading to a potential Denial of Service attack Impact summary: Applications loading files in the PKCS12 format from untrusted sources might terminate abruptly. A file in PKCS12 format can contain certificates and keys and may come from an untrusted source. The PKCS12 specification allows certain fields to be NULL, but OpenSSL does not correctly check for this case. This can lead to a NULL pointer dereference that result... • http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2024/03/11/1 • CWE-476: NULL Pointer Dereference •

CVE-2023-5678 – Excessive time spent in DH check / generation with large Q parameter value
06 Nov 2023 — Issue summary: Generating excessively long X9.42 DH keys or checking excessively long X9.42 DH keys or parameters may be very slow. Impact summary: Applications that use the functions DH_generate_key() to generate an X9.42 DH key may experience long delays. Likewise, applications that use DH_check_pub_key(), DH_check_pub_key_ex() or EVP_PKEY_public_check() to check an X9.42 DH key or X9.42 DH parameters may experience long delays. Where the key or parameters that are being checked have been obtained from an... • http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2024/03/11/1 • CWE-325: Missing Cryptographic Step CWE-606: Unchecked Input for Loop Condition CWE-754: Improper Check for Unusual or Exceptional Conditions •

CVE-2023-3817 – Excessive time spent checking DH q parameter value
31 Jul 2023 — Issue summary: Checking excessively long DH keys or parameters may be very slow. Impact summary: Applications that use the functions DH_check(), DH_check_ex() or EVP_PKEY_param_check() to check a DH key or DH parameters may experience long delays. Where the key or parameters that are being checked have been obtained from an untrusted source this may lead to a Denial of Service. The function DH_check() performs various checks on DH parameters. After fixing CVE-2023-3446 it was discovered that a large q param... • http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2023/Jul/43 • CWE-606: Unchecked Input for Loop Condition CWE-834: Excessive Iteration •

CVE-2023-3446 – Excessive time spent checking DH keys and parameters
19 Jul 2023 — Issue summary: Checking excessively long DH keys or parameters may be very slow. Impact summary: Applications that use the functions DH_check(), DH_check_ex() or EVP_PKEY_param_check() to check a DH key or DH parameters may experience long delays. Where the key or parameters that are being checked have been obtained from an untrusted source this may lead to a Denial of Service. The function DH_check() performs various checks on DH parameters. One of those checks confirms that the modulus ('p' parameter) is ... • http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2023/07/19/4 • CWE-400: Uncontrolled Resource Consumption CWE-606: Unchecked Input for Loop Condition CWE-1333: Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity •

CVE-2023-2650 – Possible DoS translating ASN.1 object identifiers
30 May 2023 — Issue summary: Processing some specially crafted ASN.1 object identifiers or data containing them may be very slow. Impact summary: Applications that use OBJ_obj2txt() directly, or use any of the OpenSSL subsystems OCSP, PKCS7/SMIME, CMS, CMP/CRMF or TS with no message size limit may experience notable to very long delays when processing those messages, which may lead to a Denial of Service. An OBJECT IDENTIFIER is composed of a series of numbers - sub-identifiers - most of which have no size limit. OBJ_obj... • https://github.com/hshivhare67/OpenSSL_1.1.1g_CVE-2023-2650 • CWE-400: Uncontrolled Resource Consumption CWE-770: Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling •

CVE-2023-0466 – Certificate policy check not enabled
28 Mar 2023 — The function X509_VERIFY_PARAM_add0_policy() is documented to implicitly enable the certificate policy check when doing certificate verification. However the implementation of the function does not enable the check which allows certificates with invalid or incorrect policies to pass the certificate verification. As suddenly enabling the policy check could break existing deployments it was decided to keep the existing behavior of the X509_VERIFY_PARAM_add0_policy() function. Instead the applications that req... • http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2023/09/28/4 • CWE-295: Improper Certificate Validation •

CVE-2023-0465 – Invalid certificate policies in leaf certificates are silently ignored
28 Mar 2023 — Applications that use a non-default option when verifying certificates may be vulnerable to an attack from a malicious CA to circumvent certain checks. Invalid certificate policies in leaf certificates are silently ignored by OpenSSL and other certificate policy checks are skipped for that certificate. A malicious CA could use this to deliberately assert invalid certificate policies in order to circumvent policy checking on the certificate altogether. Policy processing is disabled by default but can be enab... • https://git.openssl.org/gitweb/?p=openssl.git;a=commitdiff;h=10325176f3d3e98c6e2b3bf5ab1e3b334de6947a • CWE-295: Improper Certificate Validation •

CVE-2023-0464 – Excessive Resource Usage Verifying X.509 Policy Constraints
22 Mar 2023 — A security vulnerability has been identified in all supported versions of OpenSSL related to the verification of X.509 certificate chains that include policy constraints. Attackers may be able to exploit this vulnerability by creating a malicious certificate chain that triggers exponential use of computational resources, leading to a denial-of-service (DoS) attack on affected systems. Policy processing is disabled by default but can be enabled by passing the `-policy' argument to the command line utilities ... • https://github.com/Trinadh465/Openssl_1.1.1g_CVE-2023-0464 • CWE-295: Improper Certificate Validation CWE-400: Uncontrolled Resource Consumption •

CVE-2022-4304 – Timing Oracle in RSA Decryption
07 Feb 2023 — A timing based side channel exists in the OpenSSL RSA Decryption implementation which could be sufficient to recover a plaintext across a network in a Bleichenbacher style attack. To achieve a successful decryption an attacker would have to be able to send a very large number of trial messages for decryption. The vulnerability affects all RSA padding modes: PKCS#1 v1.5, RSA-OEAP and RSASVE. For example, in a TLS connection, RSA is commonly used by a client to send an encrypted pre-master secret to the serve... • https://github.com/Trinadh465/Openssl-1.1.1g_CVE-2022-4304 • CWE-203: Observable Discrepancy •

CVE-2023-0215 – Use-after-free following BIO_new_NDEF
07 Feb 2023 — The public API function BIO_new_NDEF is a helper function used for streaming ASN.1 data via a BIO. It is primarily used internally to OpenSSL to support the SMIME, CMS and PKCS7 streaming capabilities, but may also be called directly by end user applications. The function receives a BIO from the caller, prepends a new BIO_f_asn1 filter BIO onto the front of it to form a BIO chain, and then returns the new head of the BIO chain to the caller. Under certain conditions, for example if a CMS recipient public ke... • https://git.openssl.org/gitweb/?p=openssl.git;a=commitdiff;h=8818064ce3c3c0f1b740a5aaba2a987e75bfbafd • CWE-416: Use After Free •